Sedating lobsters with cannabis before boiling alive.


Black Belt
Jul 28, 2013
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I've always thought dropping an animal into boiling water is barbaric. If you're not sure if something like a lobster can feel pain or not, why not err on the side of caution?
Don't understand why this place is asking customers if they want their lobster to be sedated or not sedated before being boiled alive. There shouldn't be a choice.
Or...just split the lobster's head with a kitchen knife before boiling.

I've smoked marijuana my whole life and never felt any pain relief from it of any kind. It's funny to me how some people think weed makes you numb or intoxicated/drunk or dizzy, it's nothing at all like that, weed has about as much effect on pain and intoxicates or sedates you about as much or less than smoking a cigarette.
Even high, you'd think being boiled alive would be extremely uncomfortable
When you start thinking about a lobsters feelings when it's being cooked, you should be the next to go.
I've always thought dropping an animal into boiling water is barbaric. If you're not sure if something like a lobster can feel pain or not, why not err on the side of caution?
Don't understand why this place is asking customers if they want their lobster to be sedated or not sedated before being boiled alive. There shouldn't be a choice.

You really don't understand? If a customer doesn't give a shit, why spend the money to do it?
Four King lobster millennials.

When I were a wee lobster being dropped into a pot of boiling salt water was seen as a right of passage. Never did me any harm.

Or...just split the lobster's head with a kitchen knife before boiling.


When I was in Jamaica a man pulled a lobster out and cut it in half right in front of me.... I wasn't ready. Reminded me of a scene from Starship Troopers.

Youre suppose to kill it first. Im not a chef and even I know that
Nah I’m not wasting weed on a lobster. I wouldn’t wanna smoke weed with someone that does that to a lobster either, even if they offered it. You get the thing stoned just to throw it in boiling water? way to kill a high. Smoking weed with you, I’d probably see a couldron on a fire nearby or some shit just waiting to throw me in there when we’re done smoking a joint.
Aren't you supposed to stick them in the freezer to knock them out and then split their head with a knife?

Sedating with cannabis just sounds like hipsters want to eat weed-lobster. Does it even work on crustaceans in the first place??
Do it the cantonese way. Just dispatch animal quickly, chop into little pieces. Rinse off a little. Toss with some cornstarch. Slice up some ginger, garlic, chinese onions. Put oil in wok, heat up, drop in garlic, ginger, chinese onions, I like to throw in some soy sauce. Then throw in lobster pieces. Keep cooking till it looks finished. Oh yeh and stir it around some.
I've always thought dropping an animal into boiling water is barbaric. If you're not sure if something like a lobster can feel pain or not, why not err on the side of caution?
Don't understand why this place is asking customers if they want their lobster to be sedated or not sedated before being boiled alive. There shouldn't be a choice.
Sherdog Forums is not a very good place to seek out fellow lobster sympathisers I would think.
I passed to a lobster, but he didn't hit it, so I was like "Fine be that way." and I finished it myself. I ate lobster later with no remorse. He was kind of a dick
I just tell them their shoelaces are untied, then bam!
Lobsters are just too tasty for me to give a fuck about how that meat gets in my mouth.
I don't eat lobster -- but don't you freeze them first so they sleep then kill them?

BTW @Clippy told me he prefers to slit their throats before boiling them.

Chef Autumn of Marx Foods demonstrates a more humane method for dispatching live lobsters. 1. (Not Shown) put the lobsters in the freezer (briefly) or refrigerator (longer) until they slow or stop moving. At this point they should be asleep. 2. Position the point of a chef's knife halfway up the head of each lobster, with the blade pointing towards the front. 3. Drive the point down through the lobster to the board, then quickly pivot the blade forward and down to split the head down the middle. Note: the lobster may continue to move a little...but is quite dead.