Sex and Gender are determined by the human spirit


Oct 17, 2015
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Don't Republicans believe in souls, the spirit, and other esoteric, intangible things that are qualitative, not quantitative, attributes of a human?

A person is not just their body. Religious people can agree on this. We all know this to be true. A person is also their spirit, their sentience -- the voice in your head. You.

The spirit is the defining factor of a person. It is the person. The person is the spirit. A spirit -- or a "soul" -- can be male or female. The person is more than just the body. If the spirit is female then the person is female even if the body is male.
You guys will try anything to get people on board with you lol. Your feelings don't have sex organs
No, they're not. Sex is determined by biology.
Can't you Democrats be more scientific? It's ironic that you guys are supposedly the more "educated" ones too.
Thread quality is determined by me.

This one should have been aborted.
The hell is this? Why would a soul have to be male or female if it has nothing to do with biology or hormonal differences, and why would they have to physically dress in traditional clothes of the opposite sex and undergo cosmetic surgery and hormone therapy if it was their natural state? Seems to be an awful lot of correcting to achieve what they say is just natural. I don't doubt that they do hear voices in their head.
Checkmate Christians!
What about religions that believe in reincarnation?
So trannies are basically Christians who couldn't wait for the afterlife to see if magic is real and just started believing they can morph genders and jumping off of buildings screaming that they can fly? Then why do liberals suck them off so hard? To be hip/contrary?
TS triggered you all, lol.
This is what matters to the left in 2017. How embarrassing.
What about religions that believe in reincarnation?

that's where this belief comes from

if in a previous life you were female,
it may cause the spirit to be confused

spirit itself has no gender
Well the way they teach it in schools to kids it sounds like they're preaching some kind of religion. The way they describe "gender identity" even in our laws sounds almost exactly like what TS is saying, like a spirit or a soul. It seems to exist on a metaphysical plane completely independent of the body. The clinician who decides if your kid is really trans or not is almost like a priest or a shaman I guess - they have the ability to communicate with the spirit within. And skepticism or disbelief in any aspects of it will be considered just like blasphemy or heresy to a religion. I think it just shows how much it really is in our nature to have some religious/spiritual belief.
What if my soul is female but I don't know it because she's a lesbian?