Shoop that Incredulous Cormier / Drug Wars


oh my
just getting my spot before epicness
Guys, I apologize for what i wrote in this thread, if i offended anyone in any way or form, i hope to take it back, and really hope you guys forgive me, some of it is just a temper issue I had and jokes i said.
I have been through a lot of problems lately and this was a nice site cause i love mma as a sport for some time now, and you guys are really humorous.

Most things i wrote earlier in this thread which i erased since its just going to make things worse with some personal opinions and feelings which i think is not going to help anyone in anyway or form.

I think, I just hope you guys realize making fun of people is not a good deed to do.
I think I learn it the hard way, so is writing bad things about people on the internet not a good deeds to do.

I think you photo shoppers are very talented, but i hope you guys can use it on helping people instead of making fun of people. Like i said, i learn it the hard way.

here are some sentence I said to myself to help me feel peaceful, and I hope can help you too.

Can you say this out loud.From all the past life, all the people who owe me, I don't want them to pay me back anymore, I forgive them.

and I think this is a good read, that can help improve life, and improve your destiny.

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