Social media links


saying what i want
Platinum Member
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
Most of the time they don't even load for me. Mostly twitter, but sometimes youtube, etc. I use the app. It just says loading, or is blank.

Anything i can do on my end?
Yeah I've been experiencing this lately as well. Tried on both my tablet and phone so I know it's not the devices. Please fix this guys. I can't see any embedded tweets or anything of the like
I started getting this on desktop for some reason, but it works on mobile. YouTube works, but not Twitter or Facebook. I can't even see any images that are hosted on Twitter, which is actually a lot, so it's a pain.
i have the same issue on my smartphone (S7) where the tweets are stuck on loading so i have to open the links on a new tab to see the content
i tried the sherdog app (didnt know there was one until now) and it shows the tweets for me

before that i used samsungs own browser