Someone Explain the Appeal of Legend of Zelda games.

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The games are great because of the sense of wonder and adventure you get exploring each game's world. The characters are always colorful and charming, as is the entire world. The soundtracks are always solid. The gameplay is very fun. Isn't always hard but when you can unlock hero mode to get a very challenging experience. Each game has it's own unique mechanics which keeps the series fresh. The stories may not be incredibly complex and deep, but a story doesn't need to be either one of those to be good. And finally each game manages to feel unique while keeping the core elements of the series in tact.

In the end if the games don't appeal to you that's fine. Doesn't make them bad though. I think the fact that each game in the series has been met with lots of acclaim and praise speaks to how good the series is. So does its popularity worldwide. But in the end it's all down to personal preference. I don't care for FPS games or and GTA games, but I don't call them bad games just because I don't see the appeal to them.
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