Spending time w/ ppl you don't like

I knew this was another Christmas thread.

I weren't for my daughter, I'd be home by 12 on Christmas.
Today and tomorrow I'll be spending time with the wife's families. Tonight on her mother's side, most of them are decent, smart individuals. My sister in-laws, and mother in-law, and sometimes the father in-law need to be brutally beaten and left in a cellar with a bear. My father in-laws side of the family, are fucking greedy little bitches who complain about not having enough money to buy more things for themselves and act like idiots when they drink.

I'd much rather just give them their gifts and stay home.
Thankfully I get on well with all my family and look forward to meeting up with them tomorrow.
I just got back from the dreaded outting and to be honest I had a good time. The two I wasn't wild about seeing were very nice and I melted as usual. My cousin who knows I'm not a big fan of his didn't try to act all buddy buddy but he didn't apologize for pissing me off on FB but since it was his sister's house and it's Christmas I didn't say anything. We made small talk once or twice. I was fine with it. The other people there made up for it so yeah it was fun.
I'm chil with everyone in the family no problems i'm actually excited to see everyone except my relative that just moved from India, he mooches and lives with my grandparents he is 41 and watches porn all day and goes with his friends to strip clubs and he very disturbing guy