Steven Spielberg Developing DC Comics Movie BLACKHAWK

Man O Man is this great news! I just love the Blackhawk, I can never get enough Blackhawk, when I come home after a rough day I kick back with Blackhawk, I've loved Blackhawk since I was a kid.
I used to fall asleep with Blackhawk in my hands. I just couldn't get enough and had to have a daily dose of Blackhawk.
I know i've already said it, but what the hell is DC thinking? I've actually heard of this character, but only because he/they were on an episode of Justice League. So, is DC just not going to develop their cinematic universe and instead just throw random characters at the wall hoping to land an Iron Man? It baffles me that they don't form a fucking plan and then stick to it. This sounds boring. Cap already did WW 2 and Wonder Woman did WW 1. Just minimal interest in this.
Had DC taken their time and developed a cohesive universe the money would still have been there and the fans would have been much happier.
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Yeah I'm not a child so I won't be watching this rubbish.
I think Blackhawk is in the right hands.
Blackhawk is a dear dear friend of mine.


But in the 4th quarter...
Speilberg should just direct a batman movie.
They are also making a harley quinn movie

Warner bros and DCEU clearly dont give a chet and want a quick cash grab.

Maybe this wudda worked backed in the day with all the random super hero movies.

But these days you have an empire who clearly established the bread and butter for comic cinematics.

Only casuals will fall for this random super hero flicks but the real flow are the actual comic book fans that actually connect to properly developed characters from a developed cinmatic universe on screen

Comic book genre:

Well developed cinematic universe > random super hero flick

If DC wanted a cash grab, they'd made Bat Girl black and release a movie.
Yes this is what DC fans have been waiting for. Cant wait
As a non-comic fan, sounds like something refreshing, and with a new perspective on super hero movies. Not sure why anyone is shitting on this.
This movie better have amazing marketing. No idea who the hell blackhawk is.

Is this movie about a helicopter?
Spielberg is one of my favorite directors ever but I can't remember the last time he made anything I gave a shit about. Lincoln I guess.