Things you never thought you'd be interested in

One of my absolute favorite things to do is go to Home Depot and find a project to do around the house. I think I'm gonna completely redo the garage this Fall to something like this and I can't fucking wait


I never thought I'd be that guy. I couldn't do so much as drive a nail just a few years ago


I'm getting that way, myself.
Watching less football now. Never thought I'd want to be so focused on staying in shape and fitness after leaving full time sports.

I'm looking forward to getting rid of all of my cars including my collectable. Cars are a pain. Look forward to moving into a small condo or micro-home with minimal stuff and a storage locker for sports equipment.

Never thought I'd own a home or a car and at one point I had 4 cars and 3 homes (WTF?).
I've always had more interests than I have time. What's changing for me is I'm losing interest in watching t.v., playing video games, and watching pro sports(mostly football). That all started when the Chargers left SD and I realized they were the only reason I had cable. So I canceled it and your whole day changes even if you didn't watch all that much tv.

So I've started growing my own food and raising animals for food. It's a very fulfilling change in my life and isn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.
Muscle cars... Growing up I had zero interest in cars in general. Literally every guy I knew would go on and on about awesome cars and I would be lost. Didn't know anything about them and had no interest whatsoever ! I got my licence late as well... (Might have had something to do with no father on the scene etc)

Now (only in the last 5 years actually) I am addicted to fast cars. I own a supercharged V8 and am about to sell that for a new Camaro

Oh and Soccer!
Have you found yourself being interested in stuff that you'd never thought you'd be interested in?
For me, it's surfing. Growing up I had no interest in water sports besides the swimming occasionally for health. When I saw people surfing and catching waves, my reaction was always, "Why."

Then last year, I went on a trip with a couple friends to a beach with good waves and since it was cheap to rent surfing gear, they convinced me to try it. I was ambivalent to the idea and I thought I wouldn't really enjoy myself that much. But I was wrong. I finally understood the excitement of catching a wave.

My trip to the US is coming up and one of the things I'm most excited about is surfing again. I can't stop myself from watching youtube videos about surfing.

This makes me realize I should be open to trying out everything in life even if you don't think you'll enjoy it, because you never know that you might find yourself getting really into it.
Bottom turning into a glassy barrel is about the the best natural high i have had from any sport The better you get the better the experience too. Just stay off my waves
Audiobooks! Never was able to read a book, never even came close. Once I figured out I can listen and at 2x speed especially I've been able to learn so much. Really changed my life
Audiobooks! Never was able to read a book, never even came close. Once I figured out I can listen and at 2x speed especially I've been able to learn so much. Really changed my life
What have you learned?
Podcasts. My dad always listened to sports talk radio and I hated it as a kid. The thought of listening to people talk on the radio brought back horrible memories. Thanks to Sherdog recommending me some podcasts to listen to on a road trip I never looked back. Barely listen to music anymore