Thoughs on this Video, Bill Maher on #metoo

New or not, snide remarks without attempts to explain where they're coming from is just shit posting. Look at the Peterson interview thread.

"Peterson sucks!
Because he sucks!
Any examples?
He sucks cause I said so!"

Yeah, irrefutable evidence.
Oh I 100% agree with your stance. Just pointing out that shit posting seems to be the new normal around here.

I haven't seen this posted yet, but I thought it was a great video..
I am a supporter of the #metoo movement, but there definitely levels of insanity to it...

what are your thoughts?

all opinions welcome.

Not sure how someone can disagree.
Bill Maher seems to me a lib talking head that at least has one leg in reality
Bill needs to understand that it's not a matter Dems having to answer for it, it's a matter of Dems not being rational about it. They are ravenously eating their own in this frenzy.
I like Bill, I used to watch Politically Incorrect and really liked it. Real Time used to be better as Bill likes to preach too much now. However, in this case he's hit the nail on the head.

As soon as I saw the Al Franken photo, I knew he was doomed. I'm pretty sure I even posted on here stating as much, and how it was completely blown out of proportion.

Anyway, I don't think we'll have to follow the #metoo thing much longer. There are already starting to be bullshit uses of it and women are already calling out other women and being catty with each other (as they tend to be). By the end of the year, things will have died down.

I haven't seen this posted yet, but I thought it was a great video..
I am a supporter of the #metoo movement, but there definitely levels of insanity to it...

what are your thoughts?

all opinions welcome.

Yeah, i watched this the other day. Im not a fan of Maher, he's too smug, and I rarely find his cheesy and obvious jokes to be funny, but he does get good guests sometimes, and he isn't scared to bluntly say his opinion.

He's a 100% right here.
There are degrees. And people need to acknowledge that. That tweet by Minnie Driver was completely nuts. Getting flashed and getting raped are not remotely fucking comparable. Any woman that seriously tried to compare the 2 should not be taken seriously.
When you make every crime equal, it desensitizes us from the actual crime. When every sort of sexual assault, or indecency is filed under "rape", it takes away from the definition of rape. Rape is a very specific crime and act that should be punished severely. Conflating it with other sexual assaults, or inappropriateness does not help women.

Dave Chappelle had also said a little something on the subject as well on his Netflix special. Going on these witch hunts does not help the cause. A "war" against men is not going to solve this. A lot of these cases are not as black and white as they seem, and people are putting rape, pedophilia, and smacking an ass all in the same box.

15 seconds in
I saw that and loved it. I like how he named Gillebrand. How she goes unopposed.
He is right, and I don't think what he said should be remotely controversial. But our entire society seems obsessed with trends, and those trends tend to push everyone towards stupidity. If the trend is PC, people go too PC and start micro policing what people can say. If the trend is anti-PC, then you see people defending indefensibly stupid statements under the guise of "telling it like it is" or something similar. It's all very frustrating to watch.

Add in social media to the mix and it's just trash.
I agree with his point but it is sad he needed to even bring it up and that it needed to come from someone on the left like Maher. #Me too had the right idea if it wasn't a social media phenomenon. The idea of trying to get a wave of people who were truly sexually assaulted to come forward to ride the Weinstein outrage and get other abusers out made sense. The lack of distinction and also overuse of the term sexual misconduct did not.

With this all said, it's hard not to think Maher is very worried about being next in that thing and making that speech beforehand in case. Regardless, I think he's right.
Use your words lill fella! How does Maher differ from a classic liberal?
If by classic liberal you mean an adherent to classical liberalism then Maher is definitely not one but I don't get the sense that's what @kpt018 meant in his original post.
If by classic liberal you mean an adherent to classical liberalism then Maher is definitely not one but I don't get the sense that's what @kpt018 meant in his original post.
Correct. I mean old school, opposed to the PC bullshit, adamant defender of free speech (even for Nazis, etc.), pro legalization of drugs (I believe this started in the 70s, could be wrong though), etc.. He's a plain ole liberal across the issues as far as I'm aware.
He's right here overall. Pretty good stuff.

That smug look on his face when he says only the Democrats have to answer for sex crimes. lol. What a douche.

Exactly. The irony is that he makes a statement like this while pointing out that idiots are using big crayons in our pc culture. Unbelievable. Then all the trained seals do their thing and people call him a old school liberal. Can't make that shit up.
Had to watch it again (and share it) because it was so good.

Only thing wrong is he nobilized Democrats for a brain-fart/partisan second. Other than that, gold.