Three Things They Should Teach in School?

Financial responsibility
Healthy eating/nutirition
Martial arts
I'll give you five.
  1. We are way, way, way, way past the point of not having formal training in the fundamentals of computer science. The fundamentals of operating systems, pipelines, and coding is pretty much essential to success in the 21st century world.
  2. Generally speaking, a bit more time spent on the basics of public health (at the expense of literary education) would do a massive amount of good, here.
  3. Americans could definitely benefit from more time spent specifically on microeconomics. We got like 1-2 weeks of that, IIRC, and only in the AP tracks.
  4. I'm in agreement that nutrition would be great, but I'm not sure any field is more controversial. Generally the way we teach physical education is bullshit. These could be reformed together.
  5. Physics isn't compulsory in our K-12 education. This is the least needed, but I would like that to change.
Practical math like optimization, self-finance and taxes; do away with anything too analytic most people would never use.

Instead of the usual biology and P.E. (enumerating body parts), practical biology and fitness classes: if you are overweight, you are x more likely to have heart disease and diabetes, here's how you avoid them, plyo's, ketogenic diet, etc.

Being an autodidact or teaching yourself how to learn new things.
Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. The rest of the shit people are mentioning should be taught by the family, ie "how to be a decent person," personal finances, nutrition, etc.

Parents have a responsibility to their children to raise them properly and handing over that responsibility to the state is a fucking joke.

1- Mathematics
2- Sciences in each specific field
3- Economics & Finance, without this most people are lost in this world

Should be a pretty solid base for university
The reality is that the public "education" system is just a branch of the government that fights for funding like any other branch. The way the government deem whether this particular branch is functioning well is through testing. So the end result is a school system existing for the sake of pumping out students who can perform test as well as the school can teach them. It's never about educating the kids for their growth as people. Some of the most important life skills just aren't taught.

1. Time management, motivation
2. Integration into work society after education
3. Replace religion studies with philosophy
Indepth history of the transgressions against human rights under the three main totalitarian systems; National Socialism, Communism and Islam.
Deductive reasoning.
Personal finance.
Civic responsibility.
Indepth history of the transgressions against human rights under the three main totalitarian systems; National Socialism, Communism and Islam.

I think learning the pitfalls of the imperfect yet dominant system of capitalism is more useful than your theoretical suggestions.

1- Mathematics
2- Sciences in each specific field
3- Economics & Finance, without this most people are lost in this world
Exactly something like this is spot on.
Schools never teach stuff like how to deal with council bills/tax and renting an apartment etc.
1. Learn what you want.
2. Learn when you want.
3. Learn the way you want.

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1. How personal finances work, and the value of money over time.
2. a Coding language
3. That the world doesn't revolve around them and that it's ok.
They should teach how to not be poor, it is 3 super simple steps.

1) Graduate HS
2) Get a full time job
3) Don't have children out of wedlock
1. How to be a financially responsible adult
2. How to properly raise kids (seriously this shit is terrifying). Maybe avoid creating some of these helicopter parents.
3. As Estemachine said, how to be a decent human being. Too many people with no regard for others these days, and that, unfortunately, occasionally includes me.
Even though I agree with you, all three of these are things that a child should get from good parenting (implictly or explicitly)

The real problem is a segment of the population expecting the state to raise their kids for them.
1) Personal finance
2) Basic life skills
3) Vocational class
1. World history
2. Finance/economics of some sort
3. Philosophy/Logic (A lot of people out there need to learn how to think)

Honorable mention: Martial arts (Would help with so many other subjects instilling confidence, discipline, etc.)
1.) Teh jab
2.) How to bench 275
3.) The pros and cons of letting your girl sit on another man's lap