Thumb hurts like hell, doctor says everything is OK


Green Belt
Dec 22, 2008
Reaction score
Last monday I had another one of those trainings where the only people present were the trainer, our best fighter and me.
So for the full duration of the class I had to fight with him.

Anyway at one time I hit him with a right hook which he blocked and I'm not sure excactly how or from what angle but I'm sure that my thumb was the part making contact.

It started huritng immediately but I got through the rest of the training fine.
When I got home it got worse. Although I was quick to ice it I couldn't use it for anything.

I went to the hospital, took X-rays. Doctor told me while pointing to the pictures that everything is OK and gave me a flyer for somekind of pain relieving gel.

To prevent it getting worse I fashioned a makeshift cast using old boxing wraps and part of a pen to keep my thumb straight.

It's been a week and it hasn't gotten any better.
Anyone know what to do?
I jammed the shit out of my thumb and it hurt for 3-4 weeks. I couldn't even pick anything up for the first week.
Last monday I had another one of those trainings where the only people present were the trainer, our best fighter and me.
So for the full duration of the class I had to fight with him.

Anyway at one time I hit him with a right hook which he blocked and I'm not sure excactly how or from what angle but I'm sure that my thumb was the part making contact.

It started huritng immediately but I got through the rest of the training fine.
When I got home it got worse. Although I was quick to ice it I couldn't use it for anything.

I went to the hospital, took X-rays. Doctor told me while pointing to the pictures that everything is OK and gave me a flyer for somekind of pain relieving gel.

To prevent it getting worse I fashioned a makeshift cast using old boxing wraps and part of a pen to keep my thumb straight.

It's been a week and it hasn't gotten any better.
Anyone know what to do?

dip in in warm/hot water for 15 minutes. with your other hand, try to guide it to move a little. do it for 10 minutes then ice. repeat a couple times per day min.
Last monday I had another one of those trainings where the only people present were the trainer, our best fighter and me.
So for the full duration of the class I had to fight with him.

Anyway at one time I hit him with a right hook which he blocked and I'm not sure excactly how or from what angle but I'm sure that my thumb was the part making contact.

It started huritng immediately but I got through the rest of the training fine.
When I got home it got worse. Although I was quick to ice it I couldn't use it for anything.

I went to the hospital, took X-rays. Doctor told me while pointing to the pictures that everything is OK and gave me a flyer for somekind of pain relieving gel.

To prevent it getting worse I fashioned a makeshift cast using old boxing wraps and part of a pen to keep my thumb straight.

It's been a week and it hasn't gotten any better.
Anyone know what to do?
Anyway at one time I hit him with a right hook which he blocked and I'm not sure excactly how or from what angle but I'm sure that my thumb was the part making contact.

It started huritng immediately but I got through the rest of the training fine.
When I got home it got worse. Although I was quick to ice it I couldn't use it for anything.

I went to the hospital, took X-rays. Doctor told me while pointing to the pictures that everything is OK and gave me a flyer for somekind of pain relieving gel.

To prevent it getting worse I fashioned a makeshift cast using old boxing wraps and part of a pen to keep my thumb straight.

It's been a week and it hasn't gotten any better.
Anyone know what to do?

I hit the skull of my trainer with the outside of my thumb trying to throw a hook. The x-rays showed everything being okay but I still had pain for more than a month... I haven't thought about it for a while so I have no idea when the pain went away but it did and everything seems fine now.
go see a diferent doc, they make mistakes they are human, he might of misread the xray.