To who ever recommended Bone Tomahawk to me, Thank you

Dat scene though .......

7-10 split is a real mother fucker.

After all the sherdog raving about it I found it pretty underwhelming, if I'm being honest.
Great movie. Read this. Its by the writer/director:


This is even more violent and disturbing. Hes defnitely a talent to watch. Apparently Ridley Scott is doing the film adaptation with the same creative team as The Martian.

YES. Wraiths of the Broken Land is so fucking good. The guy is talented as hell. A Congregation of Jackals is also excellent.

He burst into the scene with the script for "The Brigands of Rattleborge" which is great as well and it's easy to find a PDF of it. I read it in one sitting, it was so enthralling. The film has been stuck in development hell for forever now. I know a bunch of A list directors were attached to it at various points. Last I heard Kim Jee-Woon ("I Saw The Devil", "The Good, The Bad and the Weird" both exceelent) was the latest director attached to it.

PS Go watch Zahler's follow up film


It's also excellent.