Today in 1945, Mussolini is executed by the Italian resistance; is fascism reemerging?

Here, a picture is worth a thousand words.


Don’t you ever get tired of embarrassing yourself?
So alt right is a thing? There were/are altrighters in the Trump administration(Gorka, Miller)
Alt right is just a way to describe a certain political viewpoint, just like conservative or liberal.
Where did I backtrack? And yes neo nazis are a part of the alt right.

I stated nobody ever heard of the altright before Hillary used them as an excuse for losing.

You reply

“Simply delusional”

Then I post a graph showing interest over time starting exactly when Hillary blamed them.

You reply,

So the alt right is a thing?


They existed I guess, but exactly as I stated, nobody ever heard of them.

As proven by my graph.

How will you ever recover???
I stated nobody ever heard of the altright before Hillary used them as an excuse for losing.

You reply

“Simply delusional”

Then I post a graph showing interest over time starting exactly when Hillary blamed them.

You reply,

So the alt right is a thing?


They existed I guess, but exactly as I stated, nobody ever heard of them.

As proven by my graph.

How will you ever recover???
Nobody heard them? Just everyone who reads Breitbart.
I wonder if Patton would've got carded for saying we fought the wrong enemy? What would he know anyway..
Well you are wrong and Quipling knows it. It was a respectful conversation with several invites with various backgrounds different to my own. I went into both with an inquisitive mind respectfully asking what people thought of the documentary and what if any the flaws were. Quipling responded with zero, while others took the respectful conversation and pointed out flaws and some points they had agreement with. It was eventually closed after a week or so because outside of a couple of contributors it died. Further to this, there was a second conversation started due to lack of response in the aforementioned, and a moderator was included. There was some decent discussion but it went stale after a short while took. The charges weren't levied against me in either conversation as they are being here.

So rather than pointing out flaws and error in a respectful conversation where I admited my own lack of complete knowledge/understsnding on the issues contained in the documentary itself (and wanted further input), Quipling took Google screenshots in what I believe was an attempt to first of all play dumb to everyone in this thread like he was just stumbling upon it in this thread, and second, to make me look like a Nazi and/or racist publicly - which is 100% not the case, and he should know this.

What I see as a problem in the WR room and in broader society is the need to make Nazis and racists and Islamophobes and whatever other caricature of evil out of ordinary people who are just wanting to learn the truth about history. Part of this is examining all sides/perspectives.

I think Ben Shapiro would make a good President. He's ironically been called a Nazi even though he is a Jew. I think Netanyahu is a good Israeli Prime Minister. I believe in a right of Israel to exist sovereignly. So am I an antisemite Nazi for those views?

As already mentioned, the main point I found value in from the documentary is the highlighting of the atrocities of communism.

I would guess since he is not allowed to talk about PMs in an open thread he preferred to talk about this nonesense in the open. Are you giving @Quipling permission to discuss it here? Seems like it. Either way it was pretty ignorant to post that stuff here. We should be well past the stage of just “asking questions” about stereo typical Jewish hate caricatures. If you want to be taken seriously at all I would stop defending that video and move on.

Nobody ever heard of the alt-right until Hillary named it as reason 612 she lost the election.


Steve Bannon seemed to be a big and influential proponent until he dropped lead all over his zeppelin.

The alt-right exists, they are generally degenerates, and losers politically as well as in terms of beliefs. All their candidates end up being child predators and anti-Jewish extremists, not a winning combination.

Now, now... I might empathize with the demonetization of a lot of groups, or even posters as "alt-right" who are rightly angry at a label that does not fit. My next post talks about that in a little detail...

Simply delusional, Breitbart referred to itself as the home of the alt right, did Hillary invent Breitbart as well?

Well, have a lot of people framed and distorted what the alt-right is as well, and how powerful the alt-right is in order to increase the supposed threat and how we should respond to that threat.

Fear is the most powerful motivator in politics, and if the alt-right were by in large a small number of losers, pseudo intellectuals, and some other benign and nefarious organizations lumped together under one label, it is a lot easier to point to the threat and say "give the left money" or the Nazi's win....


Steve Bannon seemed to be a big and influential proponent until he dropped lead all over his zeppelin.

The alt-right exists, they are generally degenerates, and losers politically as well as in terms of beliefs. All their candidates end up being child predators and anti-Jewish extremists, not a winning combination.

Now, now... I might empathize with the demonetization of a lot of groups, or even posters as "alt-right" who are rightly angry at a label that does not fit. My next post talks about that in a little detail...

Well, have a lot of people framed and distorted what the alt-right is as well, and how powerful the alt-right is in order to increase the supposed threat and how we should respond to that threat.

Fear is the most powerful motivator in politics, and if the alt-right were by in large a small number of losers, pseudo intellectuals, and some other benign and nefarious organizations lumped together under one label, it is a lot easier to point to the threat and say "give the left money" or the Nazi's win....


Did you see the graph I posted?

My statement was a demonstrable fact.
I would guess since he is not allowed to talk about PMs in an open thread he preferred to talk about this nonesense in the open. Are you giving @Quipling permission to discuss it here? Seems like it. Either way it was pretty ignorant to post that stuff here. We should be well past the stage of just “asking questions” about stereo typical Jewish hate caricatures. If you want to be taken seriously at all I would stop defending that video and move on.

I am not talking specifics about a private conversation, but if you had been following this thread in detail you'd have noticed he didn't respond once to me after I confronted him. Further to this I purposefully haven't put an @ sign before his name since I don't wish to communicate further with someone who purposefully manipulated a thread to serve another purpose.

And I respect you more than to provoke further conversation on something that Quipling has had ample time to address considering he's been liking posts throughout this thread. What happened in here has been nothing short of underhanded and half-hearted slander. And picking and choosing like you did is below you.
Also, I've been dubbed once that ought to be enough. I really don't care to be a part of any of this anymore but I thought it was important enough to respond to your post.
To start, I apologize to international readers that this is an exceedingly American-centric analysis of this topic. But, alas, I am a Yankee and do not have the depth of knowledge necessary to discuss at length the political currents of countries (such as Poland, Israel, Italy, Turkey, Russia, and the Philippines) that may be touched upon here.

EDIT: To clarify for those who flinch at the substance of this topic, this is not meant to imply that any purported neo-Fascist is in any way comparable to Mussolini or "literally Hitler," etc. This is a topic of historical political development. It is arguable that the crimes perpetrated by Mussolini et al. are not remotely imputable to a fascist resurgence and that existing political structures and informational interconnected-ness preempts that possibility.


On April 28, 1945, Benito Mussolini and his remaining fascist colleagues were captured and executed by the communist partisans and were hanged for display at the place where Mussolini had previously held the public execution of several notable antifascists.

While mythos of Adolph Hitler's infamous crimes against humanity are earmarked as the apex of fascist immorality, they also serve to obscure the politics of fascism as an ideology of scientific racism or genocide. In reality, fascism need not spring from the launchpad of antisemitism (although, in the cases of Germany and Italy, it largely did). At its core, fascism is a politics of institutionalized reaction, unconstrained by principle or rigid ideology, and of popular power unfettered from governmental check. This reality was perhaps most vivid in Italy, not Germany, as Mussolini spun nationalist support and right-wing reduction into a whirlwind of brutality that dared not to even oversee itself, let alone restrict itself to any doctrinal casing, as it hedged itself with the support of corporatist power.

Seventy-three years later, unwittingly of course, fascist sentiment is making a roaring comeback. Across Southern and Eastern Europe, right-wing strongmen, with nothing in their holsters but revisionist-nationalist nostalgia and contempt for liberal democracy, are gaining traction. From traditional fascists across mainland Europe, to teetering ethnonationalist autocrats in the Middle East, to a mere fascist by happenstance in Russia, to a modern neo-fascist rooted in eastern communist organization in the Philippines. And in the United States, the one world power where fascism was for the most part kept at the margins, Donald Trump has been elected. Although he most appears an affable clown who merely bumbled his way into power saying what came easiest, his ascendancy came on a rhetorical platform that was distinctly fascist by near definition, seized on political, social, and informational conditions most historically amenable to fascism, considerably softened American sensibilities to the politics of fascism, and perhaps most troubling persisted to openly support neo-fascist organization abroad.

Now, this may sound like, and will certainly be resisted by Trump supporters as, alarmism. But, to be sure, Donald Trump does not by my estimations pose a legitimate risk toward overcoming the liberal democratic structures he and his supports so openly despise. Frankly, it seems undeniable at this point that Trump is far too incompetent and ineffective to pose such a risk. However, does the openness to Trump's brand of shapeless, shifting reactionary populism, which has been repeatedly pointed to as neo-fascism by historians and experts on fascist development, what with its frequent appeals to authority, pose a real insight into a liberal Democratic west that is ripe for a fascist renaissance? To be clear, while Trump does possess the abilities (nor the desires in some likelihood) to pose any real fascist threat, his supporters pose a much greater risk.

Sources cited to throughout this post:
Yes fascists are knocking on your door
I think a problem is that some of these groups do not prosper and become an underclass. Hispanics in general are much poorer than whites and asians in the US and the problem doesn't seem to be getting better.
Blacks have been living for centuries in the US and have wealth data similar to a third world country.

That's not some civilization destroying fact but the creation of an underclass is something that I don't believe is beneficial to a country. You can also check how much each race contributes in taxes and takes in return. In the long run immigration may be fiscally beneficial due to highly skilled asians and indians but not due to hispanics.

Blacks whose families have been living in America for centuries are irrelevant to a question about immigration. And you might want to research that subject a little.

India is one of those third-world countries that have sent a lot of immigrants, no? Nigeria is another one (more than any other African country). The "ramifications of introducing people from [those] impoverished, underdeveloped nations," have been overwhelmingly positive, no? @LogicalInsanity. What countries' immigrants are hurting America?

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