International Trump skips WW I cemetery visit....due to wet weather.

Most people nowadays would shit themselves if they saw America embroiled in the kind of "nationalist fervor" that was common to WW2 era times.

Americans didn't win the World Wars by being the nice guys. They were some bad hombres back then. In the Pacific they became pretty infamous for decorating themselves with the skulls of their enemies.

If we are going to remember these men, lets remember them as they were, not as how we wish them to have been, for modern-day political purposes.






Exactly. Macaroon looks like the type that wouldn’t have even joined the resistance just became a shill for ze Germans anyways

I’ve been researching WWII for years and have never seen that last pic. Those Sherman’s were fast as fuck, but I’ll take a King Tiger any day between 43-45 of course....
Exactly. Macaroon looks like the type that wouldn’t have even joined the resistance just became a shill for ze Germans

I’ve been researching WWII for years and have never seen that last pic. Those Sherman’s were fast as fuck, but I’ll take a King Tiger any day between 43-45 of course....

I think that's a post-WW2 picture (possibly Korean War?). Just posted it to show the kind of decoration that Americans used to intimidate their enemies.

Macron seems to forget that the French were ran over like a truck by Germans because they had no real national sentiments of their own by the second World War.

The French army were incredible in WW1, and were turned into a joke by WW2.
Most people nowadays would shit themselves if they saw America embroiled in the kind of "nationalist fervor" that was common to WW2 era times.

Americans didn't win the World Wars by being the nice guys. They were some bad hombres back then. In the Pacific they became pretty infamous for decorating themselves with the skulls of their enemies.

If we are going to remember these men, lets remember them as they were, not as how we wish them to have been, for modern-day political purposes.






American's didn't win ww2 in Europe at all it was Russia. After the end of the war in Europe Russia turned it's attention to the Pacific and easily destroyed an entire Japanese army.
American's didn't win ww2 in Europe at all it was Russia. After the end of the war in Europe Russia turned it's attention to the Pacific and easily destroyed an entire Japanese army.

Without America's aid the Russians would have lost to the Nazis.

For sure, the Russians did the majority of the fighting, but they were even more monstrous than the Americans, in that regard.

Macron is already extremely worried about Putin's hollow boasts, and perceived militarism. Stalin did not make empty threats.

there's only one thing that's been commonly brought up here in NY since the election ; this is Trump when he's losing.
I think that's a post-WW2 picture (possibly Korean War?). Just posted it to show the kind of decoration that Americans used to intimidate their enemies.

Macron seems to forget that the French were ran over like a truck by Germans because they had no real national sentiments of their own by the second World War.

The French army were incredible in WW1, and were turned into a joke by WW2.

Ahhh, that’s why it was new to me. Yes, it was incredible how easily a power of the time was so easily defeated...maginot line did a lot for them..I think the usual French are pussies/white flag stereotypes are wrong though since they were the reason the Revolution in the 1770´s succeeded and Napoleons grand army was pretty badass. They just made the historically constant error of attacking Russia before winter.....with summer uniforms
American's didn't win ww2 in Europe at all it was Russia. After the end of the war in Europe Russia turned it's attention to the Pacific and easily destroyed an entire Japanese army.’re wrong brah. The Soviet Union had manpower above all else, without ships and ships sailing from America they would have eventually been conquered. Hitler almost did it anyway, but he was a maniac that didn’t let his Field Marshall’s make on the ground decisions and actually halted production of heavy bombers that would have leveled Russian cities...instead mass producing smaller bombers like the stuka
Ahhh, that’s why it was new to me. Yes, it was incredible how easily a power of the time was so easily defeated...maginot line did a lot for them..I think the usual French are pussies/white flag stereotypes are wrong though since they were the reason the Revolution in the 1770´s succeeded and Napoleons grand army was pretty badass. They just made the historically constant error of attacking Russia before winter.....with summer uniforms

The mistake of invading deep into Russia's territory has been committed many times, I believe the first significant military power to commit that mistake was the Swedes at the height of their Empire (yes, they once possessed one). They took their troops deep into Russia, and had initial success, but were ultimately grinded down by Peter the Great's army, and were never the same again.

A largely unknown fact about Germany's invasion into USSR, is that the Finns had infiltrated quite deeply into Soviet lines, largely unopposed. They threatened to occupy both Leningrad and Murmansk with Nazi assistance, but it was U.S. political pressure and the threat of war with America, which eventually convinced the Finns to turn back from such conquests. Nazis, by their own, couldn't fully encircle Leningrad and were forced to halt the initially successful offensive to Murmansk (which was a main port for US and British aid).

"Bolstered by the new German arrivals, the Finnish III Corps launched its final offensive on 30 October. The Soviets had increased their defenses and had moved in additional units from other locations. Nevertheless, Finnish forces took some ground and encircled an entire Soviet regiment. Suddenly on 17 November the Finnish command ordered an end to the offensive despite positive feedback from the field commanders that further ground could be taken. The reason for this sudden change in Finnish behavior was the result of diplomatic pressure by the United States. Prior to the cancellation of the offensive, US diplomats warned Finland that a disruption of US deliveries to the Soviet Union would have serious consequences for Finland. Therefore, Finland became no longer interested in spearheading the offensive. With the Finnish refusal to be involved in the offensive, Arctic Fox came to an end in November and both sides dug in at their current positions.[36][37]"

America's assistance was extremely crucial to keeping Soviets in the fight when the situation was most dire.
The mistake of invading deep into Russia's territory has been committed many times, I believe the first significant military power to commit that mistake was the Swedes at the height of their Empire (yes, they once possessed one). They took their troops deep into Russia, and had initial success, but were ultimately grinded down by Peter the Great's army, and were never the same again.

A largely unknown fact about Germany's invasion into USSR, is that the Finns had infiltrated quite deeply into Soviet lines, largely unopposed. They threatened to occupy both Leningrad and Murmansk with Nazi assistance, but it was U.S. political pressure and the threat of war with America, which eventually convinced the Finns to turn back from such conquests. Nazis, by their own, couldn't fully encircle Leningrad and were forced to halt the initially successful offensive to Murmansk (whpatrolling. ich was a main port for US and British aid).

America's assistance was extremely crucial to keeping Soviets in the fight when the situation was most dire.

As a Finn you would prabably agree Simo would have taken Leningrad single handledly haha even with Zaytsev patrolling. In the case of Stalingrad Hitler was just obsessed with capturing the city with the name of his enemy, throwing equipment and German troops into a meat grinder and leaving the axis rear maned by Hungarians and Italians....hence the soviets pushed their shit in with operation Uranus...pun intended. Germans could have technically taken both if they weren’t constantly being hamstrung by hitler
As a Finn you would prabably agree Simo would have taken Leningrad single handledly haha even with Zaytsev patrolling. In the case of Stalingrad Hitler was just obsessed with capturing the city with the name of his enemy, throwing equipment and German troops into a meat grinder and leaving the axis rear maned by Hungarians and Italians....hence the soviets pushed their shit in with operation Uranus...pun intended. Germans could have technically taken both if they weren’t constantly being hamstrung by hitler

It is difficult to say whether the strategies of traditional German military would have led to any greater success.

The reason why Hitler gained such power in military affairs, despite no background in military strategy, is because he did have many fresh ideas regarding warfare, which were initially successful (unlike Stalin whose strategies were a tire-fire from beginning to end). He had a focus on seizing resources, which was a more modern outlook to the traditional preference of winning ceremonial victories (which Hitler had a distaste for, because of his experiences as a grunt in WW1).

Theoretically his decision to take Ukraine first before Moscow, seemed like a bright idea at the time, because it cut the Soviets off a large amount of resources. However, they ended up being re-supplied by Brits and Americans, and the Ukrainian campaign took long enough (even though it was finished off very, very quickly, and with massive success) for winter to come, which made it impossible to conquer Moscow.

With Stalin having made a stubborn decision to stay in Moscow regardless of the results of battle, believing it to be his last stand, the war could have been cut very short with a blitzkrieg of Moscow. Hitler assumed that Stalin and the rest of the regime would simply move out from Moscow, and that a victory in Moscow would be purely ceremonial as it was for Napoleon. Many military men insisted marching into Moscow first, but Hitler overruled them and decided to conquer Ukraine, believing that he had learned from Napoleon's mistakes.

As for Stalingrad, it was just a mess. I don't think anybody expected such a fight to take place. Nothing of the sort had ever been seen before in history, men fighting and dying by the millions, to seize streets. There was no blue-print for such a battle and it ended up being a coin-toss which the Germans lost.
Naw he's just a piece of shit.

Yeah literally Hitler gives him too much credit. Germans were going through massive political and economic turmoil, what is our excuse?