U.S. Births Dip To 30-Year Low;

Lord Coke

Silver Belt
Aug 18, 2003
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What the heck are we going to do when social security collapses? This started in the 1970s. We need to undo this before it is to late and it might already be. Are society is not sustainable right now.


The birthrate fell for nearly every group of women of reproductive age in the U.S. in 2017, reflecting a sharp drop that saw the fewest newborns since 1987, according to a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

There were 3,853,472 births in the U.S. in 2017 — "down 2 percent from 2016 and the lowest number in 30 years," the CDC said.

The general fertility rate sank to a record low of 60.2 births per 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44 — a 3 percent drop from 2016, the CDC said in its tally of provisional data for the year.

The results put the U.S. further away from a viable replacement rate – the standard for a generation being able to replicate its numbers.

"The rate has generally been below replacement since 1971," according to the report from CDC's National Center for Health Statistics.

The CDC calculates a "total fertility rate" by estimating how many babies a hypothetical group of 1,000 women would likely have over their lifetime. That measure now stands at 1,764.5 births per 1,000 women — a 3 percent drop from 2016. The replacement rate is 2,100 births per 1,000 women.

"The decline in the rate from 2016 to 2017 was the largest single-year decline since 2010," the CDC said.

The 2017 numbers also represent a 10-year fall from 2007, when the U.S. finally broke its post-World War baby boom record, with more than 4.3 million births.

Historically, the number of babies born in the U.S. has gradually risen since a sharp decline in the early 1970s. But that growth has been inconsistent, and over the same time frame, the birthrate has shown a general decline. The numbers are often subject to spikes and sudden dips, driven in large part by the country's economy, generational size and other factors.
This is what feminism and post modernism has done to our society. The move to androgyny is increasing. Women have forgotten the joy of motherhood. Men no longer have any grit or no know to use a power tool. We have pushed a narrative that the kinder should not even consider marriage until their 30s because they need to become educated. Every year millions of unborn infants killed by doctors. Our borders are undefended. Men are committing suicide at record rates. Millions are addicted to opioids. What the heck are we going to do when social security collapses? This started in the 1970s. We need to undo this before it is to late and it might already be.

You seem really angry about things that 99.9% of the population don't pay any attention to. I know you edited this part of your post out but I think it speaks a lot more than what you changed it to.

The article you quoted states:

The numbers seem to correspond with what the Census Bureau and others have been predicting for years: America's population growth will increasingly depend on immigrants, after decades in which the U.S. enjoyed a relatively high fertility rate when compared with that of other developed countries.

As The Associated Press reports, the U.S. birthrate is "still above countries such as Spain, Greece, Japan and Italy, but the gap appears to be closing."
It probably has less to do with feminism, and more to do with income inequality. Millennials make less and have to pay a shit ton more for education/basic living. Who wants to have kids just to be super poor?
Also like that TS doesn't relate any of his opening neckbeard monologue with the statistics/article afterwards. It's a terrible attempt to push his political views.
Immigration helps compensate for low birth rate but, oh well...
Good, the world is too crowded.

America needs constant economic growth! Thank goodness for mass immigration. There's countries out there just pumping out babies. There's a never ending supply.

Social issues be damned! .1% needs that money!
No one can afford to have 3 kids anymore.
It probably has less to do with feminism, and more to do with income inequality. Millennials make less and have to pay a shit ton more for education/basic living. Who wants to have kids just to be super poor?

This x1000...

It’s a rat race trying to stay afloat for a lot of people. The system is rigged heavily against the middle class and lower and it’s getting worse. Kids come out of college (sometimes with their parents) at least semi broke regardless of whether they find a job or not and are in the negative for most of their lives. How can anyone afford a family when they can barely live on their own at times?
No one can afford to have 3 kids anymore.

2 is pushing it and I am talking about families that make 250k per year struggling a bit. Granted it’s in expensive ass north jersey with some of the highest state taxes in to the US...
You seem really angry about things that 99.9% of the population don't pay any attention to. I know you edited this part of your post out but I think it speaks a lot more than what you changed it to.

The article you quoted states:

The numbers seem to correspond with what the Census Bureau and others have been predicting for years: America's population growth will increasingly depend on immigrants, after decades in which the U.S. enjoyed a relatively high fertility rate when compared with that of other developed countries.

As The Associated Press reports, the U.S. birthrate is "still above countries such as Spain, Greece, Japan and Italy, but the gap appears to be closing."

Its my job to be angry about these things. I am a civil rights attorney. I am in constant combat with a Leviathan that want to take away our freedoms.
2 is pushing it and I am talking about families that make 250k per year struggling a bit. Granted it’s in expensive ass north jersey with some of the highest state taxes known to the US...

I have two. Mortgage on a 3 bed house.

Couldn't handle more, everything is so expensive
Its my job to be angry about these things. I am a civil rights attorney. I am in constant combat with a Leviathan that want to take away our freedoms.

Get off your stupid high horse about freedoms and do some research. Your need for identity politics is cringeworthy.

Did you know after the great depression we had the lowest birth rates ever recorded? Do you think it was because of feminism or bathroom debates that did it then? We had very high birth rates back before the latest recession and haven't recovered since.

Almost everyone has a biological push to want kids. Millennials pollled constantly say their refusal to have kids is financially motivated, and that they would have kids if they were financially secure.
It probably has less to do with feminism, and more to do with income inequality. Millennials make less and have to pay a shit ton more for education/basic living. Who wants to have kids just to be super poor?

No one I know ever makes a good argument for having kids. Their lives completely change and become 100% dependent on their kids and all I hear about is the lack of sleep, sex, freedom, doing anything interesting, have to move to some shitty/boring area for them, have to take some shitty job to support them, and spend a ton of money on them ... but it's the best thing they've ever done! Except they don't or can't explain why.
No one I know ever makes a good argument for having kids. Their lives completely change and become 100% dependent on their kids and all I hear about is the lack of sleep, sex, freedom, doing anything interesting, have to move to some shitty/boring area for them, have to take some shitty job to support them, and spend a ton of money on them ... but it's the best thing they've ever done! Except they don't or can't explain why.

My coworker showed me her daycare expenses. Shit would've made me miserable paying that bill.

No one I know ever makes a good argument for having kids. Their lives completely change and become 100% dependent on their kids and all I hear about is the lack of sleep, sex, freedom, doing anything interesting, have to move to some shitty/boring area for them, have to take some shitty job to support them, and spend a ton of money on them ... but it's the best thing they've ever done! Except they don't or can't explain why.

Can't do anything interesting? What's their opinion of interesting? Drinking and partying every weekend?
No one I know ever makes a good argument for having kids.
Society collapses if we don't have kids, how's that for a good argument?
Kids arent that expensive, public school is like free daycare, and if you're poor then you get free HC and a bunch of other stuff.