[UPDATE] Poll: Posting Polls shouldn't be under a paywall.

I gave OP 2 bucks earlier while walking to Jimmy John's for a bite to eat. He smells as poor as this thread makes him out to be.
Don't envy the rich man's poll, bro.
  • No more banners, popups, and popunders!
  • Bigger (area + filesize) avatars!
  • Double PMs + PM tracking!
  • Start "Ask the Fighters" threads!
  • Post Polls!
  • Members Only Forum!
These are the benefits you can get with platinum membership. Now With every other benefit I can agree, but Keeping Poll under a paywall isn't a great thing. Poll is a necessary tool for every kind of forum & every other forums offer this particular ability for free.

Now I can understand about member only forum, ad free a/cs etc. but keeping poll behind it is ludicrous. I know you have to pay for server maintenance & I am not arguing it. With forum this size you have to, and you have the right of having a premium membership sort of things. But not posting poll. It just should be there.

Everyone should be able to have polls

Sherdog going pollist on me.
Post a link in your thread to an off-site poll.

If people dont care enough to click, your bread doesn't warrant having a roll.

Problem solved.
I wanna join the teasing of TS...but I kind of agree with him.

Oh well, I'll join. You sound poor TS!!
all the poor jokes are funny and all, but it is pretty silly to have to pay money to post polls.
Does anyone care about polls enough that they would pay money specifically to be able to post them?
If so you a loser