USA! USA! #1 on something we should be proud of

i personally own 7 guns , 4 of which are handguns. im proud of it i guess, although thats not the word i would choose. fuck anti-gun people or anyone who seeks to control what others do
Seems to me that men that can't solve their issues any other way resort to violence. It's quite telling of the global society we live in and the dominant culture when the threat of violence becomes the means for peace.
We need at least half. lets step it up America.
All but my beneli m4 were given to me by grandfather. Browning and Ithaca antiques mostly. I've never been into handguns, which is what I expect most americans own.
Americans make up 4 percent of the world's population but owned about 46 percent of the estimated 857 million weapons in civilian hands at the end of 2017, a survey showed on Monday.

The Small Arms Survey, an independent global research project based in Geneva, Switzerland, found that there were more than 1 billion firearms in the world, of which civilians owned 85 percent, while the rest were held by militaries or law enforcement agencies.

So what I'm hearing is We The People outgun any armed force in the world.

mehhh. i like guns. but the constitution and the way the framers set political faction ambitions against that of others, is why we have no dictator...yet.

The same kind of logic could be applied to the statistics that comment was in rebuttal to.
Hell yeah. Good to know my fellow Americans aren't dumb enough to believe violence doesn't exist in this world. You know like all those clowns in europe that like to feel all pompous about us owning guns, yet are getting knifed, blown up and run over by terrorists in dump trucks.
4+ crowd checking in.

Really doesn't take much to get to 4. Shotgun, handgun, bolt rifle, .22 for plinking

That's just an average Joe gun to cover the bases without anything that specializes in something
Shit. Fatty Europeans are riding a fat person scooter trying to catch up with us.

That is a Kuwaiti kid.

Typical American... talking about European kids and then post a pic of a Kuwaiti one<45>
Hell yeah. Good to know my fellow Americans aren't dumb enough to believe violence doesn't exist in this world. You know like all those clowns in europe that like to feel all pompous about us owning guns, yet are getting knifed, blown up and run over by terrorists in dump trucks.
Ignorance must be a bliss