Wanted the smoke, got ths smoke, got smoked

I bet the green guy watches this and feels bad. Could've killed him.
Fuck that idiot, talkin shit like he was a monster.
Should've just stfu and moved on, but he decided to think he was hard instead and found out he wasn't.
black dude, he was very softspoken out of the tough guy act. it's probably still on YT.
found it, these gracies are about the nicest I've seen of that family, I have never liked all the stuff I've heard about them. These guys are gentlemen:

That's interesting. After this fight first went viral, I heard an interview on either a radio show or a podcast with the black dude, and he said that he was running his mouth and he was taught an important lesson that day. Seemed very humble, and never mentioned anything about the white guy using racial slurs.
That's interesting. After this fight first went viral, I heard an interview on either a radio show or a podcast with the black dude, and he said that he was running his mouth and he was taught an important lesson that day. Seemed very humble, and never mentioned anything about the white guy using racial slurs.
ya, he seems a good guy. It's hardwired into us men to react the way we do many times, it's been coined, "the monkey dance" and one of the authors who uses that term says, "you don't play it, it plays you" that's very true. There are times, majority, I just ignore people who want to mouth off for whatever reason, but, for whatever reason, sometimes I just can't. It's a tough lesson for all of us. I was just telling one of my buddies kids the other day that you can't possibly fight every single person who crosses you, you'll end up totally burned out. That means not just the physical, it's the gossipers at work or the folk who get off on demeaning others. You just can't possibly fight every single one. The individual (same is true for most of us, unless you have some sort of gang or organization buffering you) is one against many, always.