What do you hate about the left and the right?

Right: I hate how they are anti-labor, anti-environment, anti- healthcare, anti-social security, and basically anti- anything besides corporate wealfare. And how they use “Freedom” and “Churchianity” (definitely not real Christianity) to get votes.

Left: I hate how they haven’t figured out a way to win propaganda wars for Fox News crowd. If the left could actually communicate effectively enough with people whose PRACTICAL interests would be best served voting Democrat, every election would be an 80/20 Democrat landslide.
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Right - hate the religious hypocrisy and being bigoted against people who are not like them. Also anything reported they disagree with is fake news. Claim to be moral but hold almost exclusive immoral beliefs.

Left - That everything has to be equal all the time. Some people are suited well for some things and others are better suited for other things. It is just the way it is.
Left - Lack of conviction and decisiveness. Concerned about public reaction instead of policy outcomes.

Right - Bought and paid for by corporate interests. Pioneered the SuperPAC clusterfuck that we now call "campaign finance" with the creation of NCPAC in the 80s. Willing to cut your throat and fuck your mother if it gets them seats in congress, but will tell you that your throat needed a hole and your mom needed a nut.
None of what you said re the Democrats reflects corruption.
Right: Religious. Gun rights are more important than lives.

Left: Bleeding hearts. Feelings over logic, reason and facts. Hypocritical - illegal immigrants are important and should be cared for, but you should be able to kill babies (abortion) on a whim. Climate change is real just look at this science.. but oh yeah, men can be women and vice versa if they choose to - sex isn't biological.
Why do we have only two choices??
Because most people's views are represented by the two main parties. It's never perfect but it's close. Plus a third party could create lopsided elections.

Let's say Bernie Sanders ran 3rd party as a Democratic Socialist. It would be a guaranteed victory for Republicans. I think the same could be said if someone like Kasich ran third party.

Most people are pretty moderate too.

-Still thinking in 2018 that it makes sense to lock people up for drug possession.

-Selling America out to Corporate Interests (Democrats have done this as well, but the current administration's appointments (Betsey Devos, Ajit Pai, Rex Tillerson, ) are just insultingly blatant.


-Paying lip service to the concept of Christianity while generally conducting themselves in a way that the actual historical/biblical Jesus would detest.

-Being incredibly short sighted with regards to the environment.

- Effectively destabilizing the entire Middle East region and putting the country in trillions of dollars of debt to wage a completely unnecessary war in Iraq.

-Being as bold and idiotic as to suggest that Obama was somehow a worse president than Bush.

-So psychotically dogmatic about the 2nd Amendment that no reform legislation can ever be passed, even that which is perfectly reasonable.

-Being in support of flying a treasonous flag from the rebellious (and LOSING) side of a Civil War.

-Taking the word of a sleazy New York Democrat (The Donald) over that of the entire US Intelligence, Military, and Federal Law Enforcement communities, with regard to Russia's attempts to tamper with the 2016 Presidential Election.

-Enabling possible treason by making repeated attempts to scuttle an independent investigation.


-Putting emotions over pragmatism,

-Not pulling their equal share in the ranks of the military.

- Thinking women can be Navy SEALS,

- The Bravo channel,

-Aziz Ansari.

-Corruption in the DNC,

- Hillary Clinton.
That they make dumb generalizations about the other side as a cohesive group.

"Leftists do this", "conservatives do that". Those that do that mostly sound like morons.
Left: I hate the idealism at the expense of efficiency.
Right: I hate the raw hypocrisy.

This is surprisingly difficult. The parties actually have a lot of the same detestable characteristics. They both pander, distort the truth, gerrymander, refuse to compromise, display selective outrage, ignore facts that go against their narrative, talk down to people, assume their political opponents have immoral intentions, etc.

Thinking of traits that just one or the other shows is actually pretty hard to do. I guess the right is shockingly anti-intellectual, which is obviously a problem. The left focuses too much of their attention on very small groups, and is dismissive or insulting towards other groups.

In general, I think both parties have some good ideas, but they tend to take those good ideas too far. When the good ideas go too far, they become bad ideas.
*Disclaimer First* I love my nation. I love my nation's founding and history at it's face value of which we have been given. The bill of rights is incredible. I love the men and women I served with and I love my fellow man & citizen.

That being said I equally despise both parties. Since about the mid point of the 20th Century (1960s) and into the 21st Century politics has been an absolute ass clown show. I believe this *modern* version we have is designed and developed on purpose for the detriment of the people and not the good. Both Reps & Dems will continue to meet behind closed doors and decide what to do next, all the while acting out an academy award winning drama on the daily mainstream news for us to chew popcorn to and argue about. The country is essentially & effectively divided into two extremes and its never coming back.

There's an established status quo with an agenda, and its really not hard to see. The left plays it's part, while the right does its. If you can look past the L vs R it's pretty obvious to see. Were getting steered on both ends like guard rails in bumper bowling to the desired outcome. The magnificent ruse is, both the L & R have made people to believe there's actually a difference between the two. Our government is the ultimate Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
identity politics
Identity politics
Identity politics
Identity politics

Current wave of :
Harassment for everyone
Lack of free speech understanding
Denial of Muslim /sharia atrocities
Women are oppressed
Blacks are oppressed
Mexicans are oppressed
Trans oppressed
Disabled are oppressed
Gays are oppressed
Fat people are oppressed

Everyone’s oppressed and the wthite male is the god damn devil.

Religious bullshit pandering,attack on xmas ,acting like good moral people but having affairs and closeted homosexuality...
Nothing against homosexuality but I hate hypocrites.

Anti workers rights,anti union.

Pro corporate welfare
Pro military industrial complex
Pro prison for profit
Ass backwards drug laws

What both have in common.

Victims,there all fucking victims
identity politics
Identity politics
Identity politics
Identity politics

Current wave of :
Harassment for everyone
Lack of free speech understanding
Denial of Muslim /sharia atrocities
Women are oppressed
Blacks are oppressed
Mexicans are oppressed
Trans oppressed
Disabled are oppressed
Gays are oppressed
Fat people are oppressed

Everyone’s oppressed and the wthite male is the god damn devil.

Religious bullshit pandering,attack on xmas ,acting like good moral people but having affairs and closeted homosexuality...
Nothing against homosexuality but I hate hypocrites.

Anti workers rights,anti union.

Pro corporate welfare
Pro military industrial complex
Pro prison for profit
Ass backwards drug laws

What both have in common.

Victims,there all fucking victims


But you are correct; victimization is the hallmark of the American character right now.

Ironically, the LESS of a victim someone actual is, the more compelled they are to declare their victim hood. The logical conclusion of this process is Donald Dump, a born billionaire and absolute braying chauvinist jackass who holds the most powerful position in the world, yet CONSTANTLY whines about how UNFAIRLY he is treated.
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