What's the heaviest chord in metal?

The minor chord that is the lowest be it an Em or lower if tuned down.
Probably the mythical Brown Note. A note so heavy that its said that those who are within range of the sound will lose all control over their bowels.
Don't understand the question? Define heavy.
C minor. Drop C tuning is probably as low as I'd go without getting a 7 string.
Tritone/Devils Chord

A tritone is the distance between the root and the #4. So, C to F# is a tritone.

Years ago you could get banned from the church for even playing a tritone due to its very “harsh” or dissonant sound. It used to be called the “devil’s interval”.

In A minor its this:


Black Sabbath's (the song) in-tro is a classic example with notes of a tritone
For 6 string guitar

There is no answer to this question, as no one will have the same definition of 'heavy'

As for my preference, I've always liked tunings in 'C' personally. But being heavy is so much more than a chord or a tuning.

If you dig a band like 'Down' (for example) they use a lot of 'B' tuning, if I'm not mistaken.

There are great metal bands that have recorded heavy songs in E standard, tho.
In standard tuning as others have said, low E open string, add the fifth on the next string (second fret).
Perfect 4th chords in standard can be quite heavy too if used right
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