When was the last time you were really sick?

I spent the first two weeks of January of this year in the hospital with the first week being in the ICU. I checked into the ER because of shortness of breath and fatigue. Apparently my speech was slurred as well and no matter what I drank or how much, I kept feeling like I was dehydrated.

I found out I had kidney failure with a lot of bacteria in my blood and lungs. Doctors said I could have died if I put off going to the ER for too long.
Got tonsillitus from necking a dirty bitch a few months ago. Spent the week in bed, unable to drink, eat, swallow, or sleep. Lost around 15lbs that week, and went delirious from hunger, and started imagining that I was flipping burgers at a park barbecue. When I came to, I realised I was in my bed, in the dark, doing the motion of turning the nonexistant burgers. Fucked me up.

This is hilarious!
I spent the first two weeks of January of this year in the hospital with the first week being in the ICU. I checked into the ER because of shortness of breath and fatigue. Apparently my speech was slurred as well and no matter what I drank or how much, I kept feeling like I was dehydrated.

I found out I had kidney failure with a lot of bacteria in my blood and lungs. Doctors said I could have died if I put off going to the ER for too long.
Jesus christ!