When you eat a sub type sandwich what side do you usually position the open side?

which side

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Good Times
Jun 13, 2015
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For me I like to hold the open side to the right of my mouth, I feel like my right hand has more confidence in holding it closed and together

Only time I do a left open side sandwich eating is if I have to eat it in reverse after determining this will provide the most meaty finale. Nothing worse than that list bite just being bread - I always try to divvy it out to achieve the best happy ending

Here's some diagrams

This guy is performing the classic left side open to mouth


This next one is preparing to do right side of open mouth, you'll notice how much more happy and optimistic he is

This guy has not proper grip and form, notice he holds the closed side of the sandwich which is not efficient for containing the contents and needs to grab the base with his other hand

i eat so fast i don't even notice that shit

special bonus image
Right side, obviously anyone who spills any contents get the “medal”.

Also in Germany if you can’t finish a sub men are allow to sweet talk your gf/wife/mother
The answer here is that the number of left handed people in society is about 10%. I would predict that around 80-90% responding to this poll will say "right side."
It depends on which side your neck is more flexible/naturally falls.
My head tilts to the right, so sandwich opening to the left.
It doesn't matter because I am ambidextrous
Cut side UP so nothing falls out.
I will sleep better tonight having now taken a few seconds to reflect on this. Thanks @Clippy !
The end
It sort of looks like I’m deep throating, but I just really love sandwiches
Open as in that's where it's sliced?

I've never heard people use directions in the context of subs before :confused: