Where/how do i start reaserching my ideal diet


White Belt
Jun 7, 2023
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as a fat kid all my life, i always used my extra weight to my advantage in the sports i did (football and boxing especially) but now that i know i want to enter mma competitions i realise i need to get my 5'8" 220lbs ass down to ATLEAST 185 (ideally 170 and maybe 155 if i get really competitive). im not incredibly obese or anything i have some pretty big muscles underneath and great conditioning aswell from high intensity sports all my life. im too broke to hire a nutritionist or private coach/trainer so i need to find a diet that'll work to lose fat in a healthy way while also helping with muscle recovery. I also dont mind losing some muscle mass as what i have now might be too much to weigh in at those lower weight classes
as a fat kid all my life, i always used my extra weight to my advantage in the sports i did (football and boxing especially) but now that i know i want to enter mma competitions i realise i need to get my 5'8" 220lbs ass down to ATLEAST 185 (ideally 170 and maybe 155 if i get really competitive). im not incredibly obese or anything i have some pretty big muscles underneath and great conditioning aswell from high intensity sports all my life. im too broke to hire a nutritionist or private coach/trainer so i need to find a diet that'll work to lose fat in a healthy way while also helping with muscle recovery. I also dont mind losing some muscle mass as what i have now might be too much to weigh in at those lower weight classes

To me the real question on these sherdog subforums has become are you going to even answer and follow up on this thread if guys put out the effort to help you. ?
There are tons of guys here who could get you going but is it worth it ?
Get on Cronometer.com, invest in some measuring cups or a food scale, and track your calories(both what you expend vs. take in).

Aim for a 500 calorie deficit per day. Keep your protein relatively high, 0.8 or 1g per lb of goal weight. 155g per day should be plenty based on your height. Carbs? Fats? Keeping both high can sometimes be counter productive. Pick a horse and ride it. Lower carb diets may be more satiating and get you towards your goal weight quicker but not guaranteed. Higher carbs may leave you feeling hungrier but yield better fuel for good workouts. The amount of information littered across the internet regarding clean, nutritious food is infinite.

The best diet is the one you can stick to. Drink a lot of water and practice good sleep habits.
as a fat kid all my life, i always used my extra weight to my advantage in the sports i did (football and boxing especially) but now that i know i want to enter mma competitions i realise i need to get my 5'8" 220lbs ass down to ATLEAST 185 (ideally 170 and maybe 155 if i get really competitive). im not incredibly obese or anything i have some pretty big muscles underneath and great conditioning aswell from high intensity sports all my life. im too broke to hire a nutritionist or private coach/trainer so i need to find a diet that'll work to lose fat in a healthy way while also helping with muscle recovery. I also dont mind losing some muscle mass as what i have now might be too much to weigh in at those lower weight classes
You want to maintain muscle mass as your BMR is dependent on it.

155ers are not walking around at 155

At the very least get your body composition data. You can get scales which are good enough for this very cheap now.
Get on Cronometer.com, invest in some measuring cups or a food scale, and track your calories(both what you expend vs. take in).

Aim for a 500 calorie deficit per day. Keep your protein relatively high, 0.8 or 1g per lb of goal weight. 155g per day should be plenty based on your height. Carbs? Fats? Keeping both high can sometimes be counter productive. Pick a horse and ride it. Lower carb diets may be more satiating and get you towards your goal weight quicker but not guaranteed. Higher carbs may leave you feeling hungrier but yield better fuel for good workouts. The amount of information littered across the internet regarding clean, nutritious food is infinite.

The best diet is the one you can stick to. Drink a lot of water and practice good sleep habits.
That covers it. It is really simple, get enough protein, eat less calories than you consume, and don't neglect your vitamin/mineral/fibre needs, try to eat some variety of veg/fruit or take a multivitamin at least. People will tell you about this or that fad diet like all meat or only eating at certain times, at the end of the day the only way they work is because you eat less calories than you burn so there are plenty of ways to get there.

Measure and track everything you eat, preferably by weight, food scales are cheap. I don't know about Cronometer but have used myfitnesspal app. If you drink beer or non-diet soft drinks, you are probably going to want to stop that. If you are strictly tracking and after a few weeks haven't lost, you have probably overestimated your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) in the app. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time (e.g. when you first wake up after a morning piss) to track progress, watching the scale every day is pointless can be discouraging because of daily fluctuations (and the fact that what you lose daily is barely measurable but it adds up over time).

It's a marathon and not a sprint — some of those eventual goals you listed will take many many months to reach , so just be prepared to set in with discipline. Start with a smaller goal and go from there, say start with 200 lbs. But I recommend staying tight-lipped. When you tell everyone about your ultimate goal of fighting at 155lb, there's a process of psychological transference where you get some of the reward of having done it already when you have not yet, which only makes it less likely to happen, If that makes sense. In any case, its much better to have people notice on their own after you've made progress than for them to say 'good for you, you can do it' when you tell them you want to lose 20% of your current weight. Also stay active, you aren't going to be building tons of muscle while cutting and at a calorie deficit recovery is harder but make sure whatever you do for fun or fitness already try to do a few times a week, if you are in the gym it will help retain lean mass.
There isn't an ideal diet for anyone. Just stick to the basics first before you start dialing it in with other adjustments.

.8-1.2 gram of protein per lb bodyweight. Get an app to track your meals for a few weeks. They come with a TDEE calculator. You have to learn how to count some calories and eat a few hundred calories below maintenance. You don't have to do it all the time for the rest of your life but you do it just to get a ballpark of how much you are consuming per meal. The scale isn't going to lie. If you can't lose weight while exercising and eating below maintenance then you are most likely eating too much. You will figure out what foods contain a lot of hidden calories or what foods are very nutrient dense.

People who don't want to make those simple commitments aren't going to reach their goal. You don't have to overwhelm yourself with macro counting or severe restriction diets. Just implement simple lifestyle changes.
as a fat kid all my life, i always used my extra weight to my advantage in the sports i did (football and boxing especially) but now that i know i want to enter mma competitions i realise i need to get my 5'8" 220lbs ass down to ATLEAST 185 (ideally 170 and maybe 155 if i get really competitive). im not incredibly obese or anything i have some pretty big muscles underneath and great conditioning aswell from high intensity sports all my life. im too broke to hire a nutritionist or private coach/trainer so i need to find a diet that'll work to lose fat in a healthy way while also helping with muscle recovery. I also dont mind losing some muscle mass as what i have now might be too much to weigh in at those lower weight classes

Try different things. See if you respond to something better than others. Me personally? Document EVERYDAY. Weigh in everyday. It's not rocket science. Don't be a slob. Cals in cals out. That's it. What's your approximate calorie intake everyday?

I intermittent fast. I have a 16 hour fast window. I eat in my 8 hour window. I don't cheat. It works. I mix in day fasts when I plateau to shock my system. I am working up past 50 hours. My summer goal is 72 hours. It shrinks your stomach and appetite.

Lastly, stop eating out like a slob. Assume everything has sugar or is salted. Get 8 hours of sleep daily. No carbs after dark.drink more water. It will shrink your appetite.

Get to it.