International Where is the caravan?


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Aug 10, 2013
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Seriously, where is the caravan? It was a huge issue and now it's not. Does anyone on the right think maybe Trump was using it to trick and scare idiots? Maybe the middle eastern terrorists blew it up from within? Perhaps our soldiers with their gardening equipment scared them away? Shouldn't our jobs be evaporating and the raping be commencing soon?

7D Connect Four
No shit, and made for several WR super threads.

What a fucking embarrassment.
They are like the White Walkers , except they're brown but you know what I mean .
Those heavy-set women with children on their shoulders are finally tiring a tiny bit after 1700 miles of walking lol.
I told you guys it was fake. When will you realize that I'm literally always right?
It was a huge issue and now it's not. Does anyone on the right think maybe Trump was using it to trick and scare idiots?

And yet amazingly it was the dems that talked about it first...and it was covered by the mainstream media that also hates Trump until recently also...funny that.
Spain, according to Jim Morrison.
Oh my gosh, MSM is not covering the caravan any longer. They must have been fake.
Of course it was being used to score political points. No body in Washington gives two fucks if people are coming into this country illegally or not. They love having issues that get their voting base to go crazy, that is why there is so much talk and bare minimum effort to address the issue.
I dont think anyone thinks that it doesnt exist.

The thread title and OP say otherwise.

Its like the TS has no idea what he's talking about, and doesn't realize that it was still months away from reaching the US when they were talking about it. They didn't arrive yesterday though, so they must've been scared off, or made up.
How much of media zombie do you have to be, to believe that because they aren't covering it heavily anymore, that it doesn't exist?

What an embarrassing thread.
Another example of something going over your head.

The point is not 'does it exist'. The point is where is Trump and Republican concern about an invasion that is closer today than it was before the election ended?

How can they suddenly not be talking about an invasion? Is that not negligence from the POTUS if he really believes it? Must be some type of Democratic plot right?
The thread title and OP say otherwise.

Its like the TS has no idea what he's talking about, and doesn't realize that it was still months away from reaching the US when they were talking about it. They didn't arrive yesterday though, so they must've been scared off, or made up.

What I took away from the OP is that media and politicians have once again dropped a caravan story, because it was never a real issue.