Who irritates you more, ultra conservatives and bleeding heart Liberals?

Those that see people as a collective and a collective means to further their agenda.

We are individuals, not colors/creeds/genders.
Maybe in some utopia, but as far as how the world works, power comes in numbers. Just look at the talking points of any movement: "we need to band together to do x y and z".

As long as the government is a play to play popularity contest to choose representatives, you will need as many people on your side as you can get to be elected.
I don't care too much for either extreme but ultra conservatives are the worst, by far. Much as I hate the idea of big government / Big Brother, it's a hell of a lot better than privately owned Big Other.
Welfare queens don't exist dude. The only people I know somewhat like that are middle class women. You seem to resent the poor, working and middle class.


So you think there is no such thing as thousands upon thousands of single women in the U.S. with multiple kids from multiple fathers that live exclusively off the system? That's what you're going with......am I correct?

I would love to take you on a field trip trough a bad neighborhood in Los Angeles or Detroit and have this conversation again. Once again, as a black man, this is why a lot of white liberals living in fantasy land actually irritate me more than the most racists alt-right nut jobs. They're actually so delusional that they're worse for society as a collective whole.
Toss up between white evangelical conservatives and nonwhite social justice liberals.
So you think there is no such thing as thousands upon thousands of single women in the U.S. with multiple kids from multiple fathers that live exclusively off the system? That's what you're going with......am I correct?

I would love to take you on a field trip trough a bad neighborhood in Los Angeles or Detroit and have this conversation again. Once again, as a black man, this is why a lot of white liberals living in fantasy land actually irritate me more than the most racists alt-right nut jobs. They're actually so delusional that they're worse for society as a collective whole.

Did you actually vote Donald Trump and do you actually disapprove of Medicare for all?
Leftists are more annoying because they are far more smug, self-righteous and hysterical.


Smugness exist but more often it is just a perception comes out as a self defense mechanism against being reveled to be uninformed. There is a segment of the right that is almost proud how uniformed it is.
Smugness exist but more often it is just a perception comes out as a self defense mechanism against being reveled to be uninformed. There is a segment of the right that is almost proud how uniformed it is.

As proud to be uninformed as this guy:

There are very few extremists in reality. Most people don't give a shit about any of this, they just want to get paid, go home, and drink a beer.

Van Jones did an excellent job discussing liberal smugness, self-righteousness, ignorance and hypocrisy.

"I think liberals have a very hard time understanding their role in creating the market for Trump. I think we have a view of ourselves that has a bunch of blind spots in it in terms of how we’re showing up."
-Van Jones

"I listen to liberals, they say—they basically treat red states the same way that colonizers treat Third World countries. “These are ignorant backwaters in the south, full of unwashed, uneducated dumb people, and what we need to do is convert them to our NPR religion and forcefeed them some kale so they can actually rise to our level! And once they rise to our level then they’ll be smart enough to quit falling for dumb tricks from their republican masters.” And I’m like, do you hear yourself? Do you hear how you sound?! Nobody should follow anybody who thinks that way about them."
-Van Jones

Van Jones did an excellent job discussing liberal smugness, self-righteousness, ignorance and hypocrisy.

"I think liberals have a very hard time understanding their role in creating the market for Trump. I think we have a view of ourselves that has a bunch of blind spots in it in terms of how we’re showing up."
-Van Jones

"I listen to liberals, they say—they basically treat red states the same way that colonizers treat Third World countries. “These are ignorant backwaters in the south, full of unwashed, uneducated dumb people, and what we need to do is convert them to our NPR religion and forcefeed them some kale so they can actually rise to our level! And once they rise to our level then they’ll be smart enough to quit falling for dumb tricks from their republican masters.” And I’m like, do you hear yourself? Do you hear how you sound?! Nobody should follow anybody who thinks that way about them."
-Van Jones

I hear him do this from time to time and it makes me like him, then he says some really stupid shit and I’m confused. Reevaluate my position to see if I’m missing something and return to him being wrong. At least he’s willing to engage
Did you actually vote Donald Trump and do you actually disapprove of Medicare for all?
I did not vote for Trump, and I absolutely disapprove of Medicare for all.

If it were up to me, we would have full on state run hospitals for the poor and private hospitals for those who could afford them.

Being poor should suck.
I did not vote for Trump, and I absolutely disapprove of Medicare for all.

If it were up to me, we would have full on state run hospitals for the poor and private hospitals for those who could afford them.

Being poor should suck.

Huh? That is more or less what Medicare for all is. Only the very rich go to private hospitals if the public ones work well.

Medicare for all would benefit the middle and working class more than anyone else...
Huh? That is more or less what Medicare for all is. Only the very rich go to private hospitals if the public ones work well.
You need to travel more. Hell, just go to Canada or the UK. I have family in both countries. They're middle class but still have private insurance and Utilize private healthcare from private clinics.

Also, I don't think you fully understand how Medicare works.
They're both annoying because a lot of them refuse to listen to entertain any argument other than what agrees with their own.

Ultra righties are so entrenched in their religion that they won't believe that there is any other way than the dogma they are brainwashed with. Ultra lefties love telling other people how they should identify others and think the government should help be responsible for making people accept things that aren't fact as fact. They are both full of hypocrisy.

Ultra righties preach small government only when it suits their needs and are okay with being fiscally irresponsible when if comes to wars, prisons, etc. They want personal freedom unless it goes against their dogma, then they want the government to intervene.

Ultra lefties will contradict themselves all day by expecting the government to force people to accept their viewpoints on social issues and all that does it divide people even more. It's the complete opposite of progress when you are flipping the divide and conquer script. Also, Ultra lefties think that super socialist society will somehow make people more equal when it reality all it does is allow the government to put a stranglehold on the population and makes society more inefficient. They want civil liberties and personal freedoms but yet will come running to the government when the first little thing goes wrong. Not a dependency that is healthy in the least bit.
White SJWs and SLWLs are by far the worst political faction in this country. Also the most pathetic...and racist

White SWJs might be the most pathetic but they are running mostly off guilt and delusional altruism.

Nonwhite SWJs are running off real hatred and racism, just like their white conservative counterparts. Big difference dude.
You need to travel more. Hell, just go to Canada or the UK. I have family in both countries. They're middle class but still have private insurance and Utilize private healthcare from private clinics.

Also, I don't think you fully understand how Medicare works.
Please, enlighten us as to how Medicare works. I'm all ears.
Please, enlighten us as to how Medicare works. I'm all ears.
If you actually wanted to know, you already would. You might already, as I was talking to another poster that clearly doesn't and not you. I have read some of your posts in other threads, and you sound extremely uniformed and delusional like most level 9 libtards, but you might now how medicare works. Who know?
Both are just as equally responsible for the downfall of America.