Who's next for Zabit Magomed$haripov?

Hilarious that this fight is lower on the card than rawlings vs evans-smith.
It's not funny at all. Amazing block fighters getting overlooked for some of the shittest female fighters on the roster, it's no1 bullshit!
The card was cursed after they put Zabit on the opener, it had to change at any cost!

Now that he's gotten his rightful place and attention, who does he fight next?? This is the second time he's called out Yair. Will he bite?
A fight between Zabit and Volkanovski would be awesome and would easily be the toughest fight for both.
He is going to have real trouble finding someone in the top 10 willing to fight him. What about Chad Mendes? His ban on is up in June I believe
No. Zabit will eat him alive. Chad's off gear and hasn't fought in 2 years plus he's Flyweight sized. There's no way he's going to be able to compete with a huge killer like Zabit.

Give Mendes a tune up fight not a young hungry prospect to build momentum for his come back.