Why is opening a new dress shirt like breaking into a bank vault?

Cherry Brigand

Red Belt
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
Pins, tags, stickers, cardboard collar frames. Things hung on the buttons. Things tied together. Paper in between the fabric. Cardboard sheets! I mean wtf!?

Edit:. Inspection stickers in the pockets! Double wtf!?
After taking a shirt apart, I feel super guilty if I don't buy it
I've wondered the same. I think I pulled out 20 pins from one shirt once. All that shit does is leave pin holes in my nice ass shirt I just bought. You can't simply fold it and keep it in shape?
After taking a shirt apart, I feel super guilty if I don't buy it
I have a relatively short torso, so dress shirts often look weird on me tucked in. I don't want to just put faith in the shirt fitting and looking right, but fuck me if I try to take one to a dressing room and try putting everything back together.
Pins, tags, stickers, cardboard collar frames. Things hung on the buttons. Things tied together. Paper in between the fabric. Cardboard sheets! I mean wtf!?

Edit:. Inspection stickers in the pockets! Double wtf!?

It's supposed to be the hymen of a dress shirt

After taking a shirt apart, I feel super guilty if I don't buy it

I don't
Been there tried that shit dress-shirt thank you goodbye

If a shirt feel shit first time you wear it, chances are you will ever find excuses to not wear it in future
I find the difficulty you have with dress shirts highly amusing
So you can't easily return it.
The tape is understandable. Cardboard? Sure, keeps the collar shape. The rope looped around the button, why not put a tag there?

Pins however, christ, why so many tiny little pins...
I'd hate to be the person who works in that department. Would take me an hour to put one of those shirts back the way it came.
Yeah those pins...so many pins...almost as bad as opening kids toys these days Jesus...