Women on Clinton and Sanders Campaigns Allege Sexual Harassment

Are we sure that the lady in the picture wasn’t just hallucinating during a low blood sugar moment
This sexual allegations stuff has turned into a real "gotya" left vs right thing.... when in reality it is just men are true pieces of shit in all situations. The assaulters need to be weeded out and removed from all corners of society. There's no point system here. Both sides are culpable.
The funny thing is that most abusers fit the same hypocritical persona.
In the left they're male feminists.
In the right they're holier than thou christians.
had to laugh at the recent allegations by Leann Tweeden against Stuart Smalley sexual harassment

she kind of laughed it off at a presser, if you're so blase, why even bring it up then?

but with a body like that, I'd be guilty as charged....on MULTIPLE charges I might add.
The funny thing is that most abusers fit the same hypocritical persona.
In the left they're male feminists.
In the right they're holier than thou christians.

Male Feminists are absolutely disgusting and I will never understand how lunatic "Christians" like Ted Haggard gain such a large following.
I married a Mexican.

So you support people who report others on this forum?
If the posters he's reporting have broken the rules then what's the problem? I've never reported anyone but that's arguably a bad thing since I'm pretty sure I've seen other posters break rules here and there and did nothing about because idgaf.
That first chick is so fat the fat has surrounded her face enough to make her eyes look Asian. Now that’s fat as shit.
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If these women had alpha men in their lives (no leftist limpwristed dorks/freaks) they would have been protected. Instead they surrounded themselves with these ultra left weirdos and paid the price.

Thank goodness we have brave dudes like Roy Moore who will watch after our young girls.

Wait whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat...

Seriously, come on, some of what you said is probably true, but the right has different types of monsters.

Because monsters are looking for opportunity whether they are faux-butch beta in alpha clothing vets of whichever war is relevant or else the kind of lefty weirdo wonk you described.

Hey now, an institution like Hollywood built on reputation and that overlooks good civics or morality may encourage a lot more monsters, but before the right gets holier than though, realize that the best thing to do in these situations is:

1. Admit you have a problem.

2. Do something about that.

Brietbart has let us down on Roy Moore because he "fights!," although his fight is apparently against 13 year old girls keeping their virginity.
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If the posters he's reporting have broken the rules then what's the problem? I've never reported anyone but that's arguably a bad thing since I'm pretty sure I've seen other posters break rules here and there and did nothing about because idgaf.
Reporting people is pussified unless they're posting truly despicable shit.

Cool avatar btw, what is it?
Reporting people is pussified unless they're posting truly despicable shit.

Cool avatar btw, what is it?
I reported a guy who was posting underage sexually suggestive pics IIRC. Otherwise IDGAF.
Also, use google reverse search, it's malala
No way the first one was sexually harassed. The second one probably.
If these women had alpha men in their lives (no leftist limpwristed dorks/freaks) they would have been protected. Instead they surrounded themselves with these ultra left weirdos and paid the price.
you're a dumb fucking person

No one believes these two were harassed