Would you receive an organ of an absolutely despicable person?

Of course I would. Especially if they have to die to give it to me. But I just wouldn’t donate one of mine to them.
Yep. Better I live than they do
Memory transference in organ transplant recipients


I've read a few articles about the above phenomena. While some studies have shown personality changes to be statistically insignificant, and unproven, there still remains a bunch of interesting cases.

From the article.
A 47 year-old white male foundry worker, who received the heart of a 17 year-old black male student, discovered after the operation that he had developed a fascination for classical music. He reasoned that since his donor would have preferred ‘rap’ music, his newfound love for classical music could not possibly have anything to do with his new heart. As it turned out, the donor actually loved classical music, and died “hugging his violin case” on the way to his violin class (2).

Is that article trying to be serious? Lmao
From the article.

Is that article trying to be serious? Lmao

Presumably they're just reporting what the patient assumed, and not just making shit up. And, frankly, it's not too much of a stretch to think a young black man might be a fan of rap music, before classical.

BTW the source is cited in the references section, so you're welcome to fact check it anytime you'd like.
Does it mean the shit head is dead? If so, yes.
Yes. Preferably I'd have them in plastic jars of formaldehyde, so they're ready to sell on e-bay.
Interesting question. I don't know. Probably, but it would be a concern.

There are reports of people receiving heart transplants that then take on the personally of the deceased person. Apparently the heart is more than simply a pumping muscle.

PhD Paul Pearsall wrote a book on the topic called The Hearts Code.

The Heart's Code Kindle Edition

I read the thread title and expected a prison rape thread.

I'm not joking.
Say you need an organ transplant from an absolutely despicable person. Would you take it or not?

The details are up to you, you can say "Well i would take a heart or a kidney if my life depended on it but not a cornea" or something like that.

There is also the whole "despicable person" benchmark, so think about the person who you think is the most disgusting

If you cant think of one then think of this guy.

El "Lobo Feroz" (the "big bad wolf")


Colombian guy accused of raping at least 273 children to make pedo videos and sell them on the black market, he was captured yesterday while following a lead from his distribution contact in Mexico.

Would you take an organ from that guy?

Just not his genitals, I probably use his heart, kidney, etc, etc. Harvest his organs, and put them to good use. Its a shame to let him keep them.
As long as it's an organ the person can't live without.
pretty sure all the meth he did would have fucked up his organs but I like where your head is at.

I'd take any functional organ if it would save my life unless it was at the expense of someone I cared about. If I needed a liver and the Dr said he'd have to take it from a healthy person that wasn't consenting to it, I'd say do it.
having seen an uncle and a cousin die from kidney failure I think I would rather take that organ than die a death like they did in a hospital.
This topic could be a lot more intriguing.
Just not his genitals, I probably use his heart, kidney, etc, etc. Harvest his organs, and put them to good use. Its a shame to let him keep them.
You'd use a heart, kidney, etc... As genitals? Hommie, you weird.
What happens when the despicable guy returns to reclaim his organs?

TS is trying to set you all up for some insidious experiment. I've seen this before. It does not end well.

assuming it's not some mythical brain transplant....sure?
Of course I would! Why not? And hey, if that despicable person donated his/hers organs then they did at least something good.