Your thoughts on those modern reboots of classic slasher franchises?

Friday Part 6 is my favorite of the series. It’s the most campy and doesn’t take itself serious. It knew what kind of movie it was and had fun with it. Jason Takes Manhattan has some of that same vibe to it, but not nearly as entertaining.

6 is my favorite as well. I prefer that version of adult Tommy to the original, and it's just a somewhat fun movie.
1,2, and 4 are great but three was a swing and a miss for me. what ami missing??
It's mostly known as the one where Jason first gets his iconic mask.

It also has probably the worst character in the 13th universe.

It's mostly known as the one where Jason first gets his iconic mask.

It also has probably the worst character in the 13th universe.

no kidding the part where he tries and make a move on the chick he likes is one of the most cringeworthy things i have ever seen. it was like mayberry the movie.
On a related note John Landis's son Max is about to redo An American Werewolf in London.

As it is one of my all time favourite horrors and comedies, I am both dreading it and looking forward to it......Evil Dead re-make-esque.
It'll be a good reason for RLM to have him on again.
Let me tell you something about these Friday the 13th movies

I feel like they are trying to be these super gory edgy movies but whenever a kill happens the camera cuts away after like 2 seconds

Its garbage and ruins every kill I have seen so far

Censorship was worst back then.

The 2000's slashers (like MBV3D, Hills Have eyes, etc) are actually much more gory than the 80s ones.

They cut like 7 minutes of F13P7.

It's mostly known as the one where Jason first gets his iconic mask.

It also has probably the worst character in the 13th universe.


I like part 3 because it has the meanest Jason, Hodder's maybe be pissed off but this one actually enjoys killing people ( its hinted he maybe raped the heroine of the film wich is too much in some peoples eyes, especially the ones that see Jaosn as a "antihero" in the latter films).

There was even a alternate ending where he was going to take a clean win over final girl.

It's hit and miss, mostly miss.

I appreciate Zombie's Halloween, as he definitely made it his own. It has much in common with everything else he does as a writer/director. Not that I am praising his film, it wasn't great, but it stands out amongst other similar remakes.

The F13 and Elm Street remakes were both films that seemed for the money, adding nothing or very little to their respective mythologies and are both down right bad films.

The remake of Evil Dead was spirited. Using practical effects is a win off the top, and had it been released in a different time when "torture porn" films weren't prevalent (and downright trendy), I think it would be admired more in its own right.