the TRT ban really messed up the One guy that had a legit reason for it.


Green Belt
May 1, 2014
Reaction score
And forced him to remove another tumor. Which obviously pretty much shut down the production of everything.

I honestly feel bad for Bigfoot.

His body is obviously not producing enough testoterone and I bet he feels like absolute shit.


and that abused it

case closed
And is being sued by the doctor that prescribed it to him
Silvas 35 years old and is a unique specimen. Look up the tallest men ever, they don't live long (they have the same condition Silva does). With his condition it's not a surprise to me that he's on a huge decline in his mid 30's. I'm not willing to contribute all of his recent losses to TRT.

Plus, he's been popped for steroids ( I'm fairly positive, it was a long time ago). So no I don't feel bad for him at all

And the beatdown he put on Fedor,( surely roided to the gills) will always make me dislike him
Bear in mind even before TRT was banned, he was caught using waaaaaay more than he was meant to.
TRT is against the rules. We are not genetically equal, life is unfair, deal with it.
Reality is cold. You are unable to compete, that's it sorry.
Silvas 35 years old and is a unique specimen. Look up the tallest men ever, they don't live long. With his condition it's not a surprise to me that he's on a huge decline in his mid 30's. I'm not willing to contribute all of his recent losses to TRT.

Plus, he's been popped for steroids ( I'm fairly positive, it was a long time ago). So no I don't feel bad for him at all

He is 6"4...

Removing the most recent tumor was a big risk. He gambled and he didn't obviously die. It was all for nothing though.

He should retire and go back on steroids and feel normal again.

Chael mentioned he felt like tshit without trt. Can you imagine how Silva feels.
I still think he's on some form of it. I just don't think it's as much as he use to take. Bigfoot needs a lot.
You can't have it both ways. Once you open the doors to medical exceptions, everyone jumps on board.

Life deals most people a genetic hand that isn't competitive at the highest levels of pro sports.
I think testosterone should be encouraged and allowed. But it ain't, so perhaps he shouldn't compete if his body cannot take it without TRT.
Yes but he suffers the same condition as Waldlo doesn't he?

Yes. Waldo died from an infection though. Your point obviously still stand I just didn't understand the height relevance with Silva.

If they catch the tumor early people usually live pretty long these days I think. Paul wight (big show) had his removed pretty early.
I dislike BF but hes one guy that does derserve it. If he can't take it though he should go fight in Japan for a paycheck and his health.
Didn't he overuse TRT to the point his ratio was outside of the legal range in Hunto fight?

He should just retire. If you can't compete clean, I don't wanna see you fight.
if he loves to compete so much he can't hang in the UFC without TRT why not go overseas? i'm oneFC or one of the many other leagues would love to have him and he can TRT it up
He's clearly too unwell to fight. Maybe he should get a real job.