Pilot was locked out of the cockpit before Germanwing flight crashed


Silver Belt
Dec 13, 2013
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So one of the pilots left the cockpit and was locked out. He unsuccessfully attempted to get back in. From the start of the incident to the crash, there was never a response from the one inside the cockpit.

What do you think? Suicide? Sudden cardiac arrest?

A newspaper report, however, suggests the audio contains intriguing information at the least: One of the pilots is heard leaving the cockpit, then banging on the door with increasing urgency in an unsuccessful attempt to get back in.

"The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door and there is no answer," The New York Times quotes an unidentified investigator as saying. "And then he hits the door stronger and no answer. There is never an answer."

Eventually, the newspaper quotes the investigator as saying: "You can hear he is trying to smash the door down."

The investigator, whom the newspaper said could not be identified because the investigation is continuing, said officials don't know why the pilot left. He also does not speculate on why the other pilot didn't open the door or make contact with ground control before the crash.

So one of the pilots left the cockpit and was locked out. He unsuccessfully attempted to get back in. From the start of the incident to the crash, there was never a response from the one inside the cockpit.

What do you think? Suicide? Sudden cardiac arrest?


already a thread on this...and I'd be surprised if either of your suggestions turned out to be the case.

I fuckin hate this speculation shit...and the need to be the first with the news before all the facts are known....there are many families grieving ffs.

wow,how wrong was I....what a piece of shit
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does the cockpit automatically lock or did the other pilot have to lock him out
the co-pilot deliberately crashed the plane! on the tv now.
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How in the world can a pilot not have a way to open a cockpit door?
When you take 150 random men, women and children with you, I think "mass murder" is more accurate than "suicide".
How in the world can a pilot not have a way to open a cockpit door?
He can open the cockpit door with a code but the other pilot de-activated that process making it impossible to open the door.
How the fuck is a 28 year old left entirely by himself in the cockpit flying a plane with 150 passengers. I don't understand how that happens.
They lock from the inside now to help stop hijacking.

I knew this . . .

He can open the cockpit door with a code but the other pilot de-activated that process making it impossible to open the door.

And figured this was an option, but hadn't heard it could be or was disabled.
My bad, I figured the question was an honest one.

The part about not understanding how at the bare minimum a pilot not being able to open the door was . . . I knew they were secured more after 9/11, but thought pilots could open them regardless.

I didn't know one pilot could disable another pilot's access . . . which I hope is changed after this crash.
This is terrible. I always thought the cockpit crew consisted of three people. I guess with new technology, it was downsized from 3 to 2.
I knew this . . .

And figured this was an option, but hadn't heard it could be or was disabled.
It's 30 seconds delay before the door opens, in case a terrorist has taken control over the other pilot and gotten hold of the code.

In such a scenario, the other pilot has a 30 seconds window to de-activate it.