`Deep Blue` a great white shark

Lol @ people still crying about Cecil and trophy hunters as chinese and Japanese funded poaches literally kill hundreds of sharks a day so they can grind their fins up in the hopes it makes their shlongs bigger, which is ironically a major part of why they slaughter elephants, rhinos, and bears by the bushel. But lets keep crying about the dozen of so big game hunters who take a few lions and ignore the tens of thousands of endangered animals that are sought out for profit.
That's some serious murdering he's done. Hespect.
That shark is immune to the Sharknado.

All the other sharks are getting lifted out of the ocean and flung in hardware stores and golf courses and what not, and that motherfucker is just anchored down going "heh heh".

Yes! Nnedd is back!
in the video, it said she was pregnant. At 50? That's not a shark, that's a COUGAR
speak for yourself, small balls.

Is it covered in battle scars? Kind of looks like it. If so, that's one badass grandpa shark.
Most likely the scars are from mates sharks are rough from what researchers have seen so she is a giant badass
I would pay good money to shoot that thing in the face.

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