I believe in Bernie Sanders, so what can I do?


Bad Man from Borger, Texas
Apr 21, 2007
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So I've been completely disillusioned with our government and politicians for as long as I've been able to vote, and living in the most Republican county in the nation, I've never even voted, knowing that it was already determined who would win in an overwhelming landslide. I felt like what I wanted for the country would require a legitimate revolution before any of it was possible, but in a day in age where Donald Trump is a serious threat to office, we have a man who is built on everything I want in Washington.

Bernie Sanders is aiming to abolish privatized prisons, make healthcare and higher education available to everyone, ending the war on drugs, taking care of the environment, raising minimum wage, shrinking the ever increasing wage gap by building the lower and middle class, and most importantly he wants to remove the corporate influence in the government. I couldn't ask for anything more, really. It's a step in the right direction, we have been watching a failing system for decades in disapproval, voting for another Bush or Clinton is only keeping that system in place and further sinking our chances of building America. He genuinely cares about the citizens of this country and feels responsible for making sure they are taken care of. I can't imagine a better leader for America.

So, what can I do to help him in his efforts? Campaigns are almost all decided by the amount of money dumped in to them, something that he not only disapproves of but will not take part in. It's up to the citizens to make a change and get the word out, simply waiting and hoping for the best is exactly what the current people in control want. Inaction has allowed special interests to take a stranglehold of the powers that control America, acting will be the only way to remove them.
As I was thinking about making this thread, I went to get a drink down and the girl behind the counter was talking about Obamacare putting her in a bad spot and asking why we couldn't have a free system like Canada. I thought it was the perfect time to mention that Bernie Sanders is the candidate they should vote for if they believed that. She said, "Meh, my honey has talked me in to voting for Donald Trump". I told her he was a disgusting piece of shit, so then she asked me if Sanders wanted to legalize marijuana, and said "Trump does". Then she smirked and walked off. That was incredibly depressing.
If you're disillusioned with the government, increasing its size won't help.
Spend 3 months in Venezuela first
Spend 3 months in Venezuela first

Otherwise known as Detroit.

Anyways TS, you're doing your part to help, you've:

- Educated yourself.
- Decided to get involved.
- Spreading the word.

Outside of that you can donate funds, join his campaign and volunteer, promote online (like this), etc.
Did you see that video of him getting hijacked by feminists? lol
Not much you can do other than be disappointed when he doesn't get nominated.
Going around calling other candidates pieces of shit is a good start.
You should go on the Internet and personally attack everyone who has any minor disagreement with Sanders.
You should register as a Democrat if you have not done so already and vote for him when the time comes. Also take some comfort that while Hillary is totally unlikable IMO (subjective opinion of course) there isn't much difference at all from a policy perspective.

Also have a correction to the OP: campaigns are not all decided by the amount of money poured into them, which is a common misconception. I am all for getting big money out of politics purely out of fairness, but I understand that it is not the big deciding factor (all candidates need a heavy bankroll to run, though).
Lol at abolish private prisons. As if a Prison being private is more "evil".than a Federal Prison.

So easily fooled
Move your residency to a swing state in time.
So I've been completely disillusioned with our government and politicians for as long as I've been able to vote, and living in the most Republican county in the nation, I've never even voted, knowing that it was already determined who would win in an overwhelming landslide. I felt like what I wanted for the country would require a legitimate revolution before any of it was possible, but in a day in age where Donald Trump is a serious threat to office, we have a man who is built on everything I want in Washington.

Bernie Sanders is aiming to abolish privatized prisons, make healthcare and higher education available to everyone, ending the war on drugs, taking care of the environment, raising minimum wage, shrinking the ever increasing wage gap by building the lower and middle class, and most importantly he wants to remove the corporate influence in the government. I couldn't ask for anything more, really. It's a step in the right direction, we have been watching a failing system for decades in disapproval, voting for another Bush or Clinton is only keeping that system in place and further sinking our chances of building America. He genuinely cares about the citizens of this country and feels responsible for making sure they are taken care of. I can't imagine a better leader for America.

So, what can I do to help him in his efforts? Campaigns are almost all decided by the amount of money dumped in to them, something that he not only disapproves of but will not take part in. It's up to the citizens to make a change and get the word out, simply waiting and hoping for the best is exactly what the current people in control want. Inaction has allowed special interests to take a stranglehold of the powers that control America, acting will be the only way to remove them.

First I would check what the voting requirements in your state are for voting in the Democratic primary. Some states require that you be registered as a Democrat while some are okay with you being registered as an independent. This site will tell you everything you need to know.


Check online to see if there are any efforts around where you live to raise awareness for him. Like maybe passing out flyers around your area and letting people know where he stands on the issues. Most people have a completely wrong idea about him so spreading his message is very important.
Also completely ignore any attempts made by LucaswithLidOff, SouthoftheAndes, or Jack V Savage to dissuade you.

You're on the right track and we can make this happen!!! ;)