Why is Satanism bad?


Nov 27, 2008
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What's wrong with it?

Satanism espouses empowerment for the individual and doesn't take what the Church says for granted. Here...

"each individual is his or her own god [and that] there is no room for any other god". Adherents instead see the character of Satan as an archetype of pride, carnality, liberty, enlightenment, undefiled wisdom, and of a cosmos which Satanists perceive to be motivated by a "dark evolutionary force of entropy that permeates all of nature and provides the drive for survival and propagation inherent in all living things".

Top level Freemasons are Satanists. We could have a Satanist president, it wouldn't matter. Believing in any religion anyway is mumbo-jumbo without facts.

Worship power, don't be a slave to symbolism and mediocrity.
Satan is evil. That's the problem with having a Satanic president.

God killed more people than Hitler yet alot of fools think he has the greatest love ever. He damned the whole human race because Adam and Eve ate a fucking fruit. He burned two cities to the ground because *********s lived there. He killed the first born of everyone in Egypt so his idiot followers could leave.(yet theres no real evidence jews were ever slaves) He commanded his follwers to dash enemies to pieces including the women and childen...............ye satan is the evil one huh.
Satan is evil. That's the problem with having a Satanic president.
God killed more people than Hitler yet alot of fools think he has the greatest love ever. He damned the whole human race because Adam and Eve ate a fucking fruit. He burned two cities to the ground because *********s lived there. He killed the first born of everyone in Egypt so his idiot followers could leave.(yet theres no real evidence jews were ever slaves) He commanded his follwers to dash enemies to pieces including the women and childen...............ye satan is the evil one huh.

Yes he is.

if this is heaven, give me hell.

I'm not too into to this stuff.

My perception is that Satanism is survival, power and materialistic based, is that correct?
It's not necessarily bad to an outside observer, but it is a direct challenge to Christians.

It's like two rival teams, right or wrong, or who stayed it ate irrelevant, they hate each other.

And historically, Christians are the Lakers, satanists are the Clippers
"each individual is his or her own god [and that] there is no room for any other god"

Do you know why they say this? The thing is, if you believe in satan then you have to believe God exists as well and satanism is just a way of shifting peoples worship from God to their own selves.
What's wrong with it?

Satanism espouses empowerment for the individual and doesn't take what the Church says for granted. Here...

"each individual is his or her own god [and that] there is no room for any other god". Adherents instead see the character of Satan as an archetype of pride, carnality, liberty, enlightenment, undefiled wisdom, and of a cosmos which Satanists perceive to be motivated by a "dark evolutionary force of entropy that permeates all of nature and provides the drive for survival and propagation inherent in all living things".

Top level Freemasons are Satanists. We could have a Satanist president, it wouldn't matter. Believing in any religion anyway is mumbo-jumbo without facts.

Worship power, don't be a slave to symbolism and mediocrity.

Satan to most "believers" is the embodiment of all that is evil, so a religion that glorifies him would naturally be seen as evil. God on the other hand is seen as "good".

Here's my thing..

To believe in one you have to believe in the other. Why someone would "praise" the embodiment of evil as opposed to the embodiment of good is strange to me...

And the characteristics you attribute to satan are very vain and selfish... None of them benefit man kind in whole... just the individual.
the satanist who that do believe in satan as the abrahamic god describes it, basically the mumbo jumbo thing are ridiculous as well...

the church of satan actually its kind of cool, it stands for humanty, or so Ive read..
Every single time I hear about Satanism or 'The Church of Satan' I cringe... Hard.

I imagine a mixture between the Goth Kids that from High School that went on to live in their parents house watching X-files re-runs and Chris Katan from SNL's Goth Talk.

lol, the Church of Satanism. Grow up.
A lot of clueless people talking about something they do not understand? Yep, I'm in the WR.......
Every single time I hear about Satanism or 'The Church of Satan' I cringe... Hard.

I imagine a mixture between the Goth Kids that from High School that went on to live in their parents house watching X-files re-runs and Chris Katan from SNL's Goth Talk.

lol, the Church of Satanism. Grow up.

It's actually pretty real Buk. I know a guy that worked for the county, he said part of his job was to maintain the old cemeteries. He said he's seen the evidence of satan worship. They would sacrifice and torture animals to Satan. So it's a real thing.
I'm not too into to this stuff.

My perception is that Satanism is survival, power and materialistic based, is that correct?

Correct. It's less corruptible than other religions and is more natural. For example Christianity says one thing, but is easily corrupted and the actions are opposite of goodness in many ways. It's human nature.

Priests can't be with women. That is unnatural. Because the son of god was not with a woman? So men choose to copy this nonsense? Men are not gods.
A lot of clueless people talking about something they do not understand? Yep, I'm in the WR.......

That's the thing, Man. No one cares to understand the Church of Satan. If this is something worth even discussing aside from how humiliating it is that People actually involve themselves in this shit, then you might have a point.

If I was in here peddling an obscure, ancient Norse Mythology and everyone laughed at me, I couldn't turn it back on them and say the were just ignorant.

And you're from Seattle to boot? C'mon, Son.
Reminder: ALL of the atrocities, tortures, and murders in the Bible are by God, not Satan.

All Lucifer wanted to do was give humanity conscience, science, and art. The fruit of knowledge was what gave us free will, and for that God punished us to eternal damnation unless we chant a few words to tell him we acknowledge his son.

History is written by the victors, and the victors here, as they so often are, are the warmongering tyrants that represent God, and not the libertine artists, scientists and lovers that were inspired by Lucifer.

If you still want to follow a jealous, sadistic tyrant then by all means choose YHWH. But I'll be right here chilling with the Dark Lord.


That's the thing, Man. No one cares to understand the Church of Satan. If this is something worth even discussing aside from how humiliating it is that People actually involve themselves in this shit, then you might have a point.

If I was in here peddling an obscure, ancient Norse Mythology and everyone laughed at me, I couldn't turn it back on them and say the were just ignorant.

And you're from Seattle to boot? C'mon, Son.

If you don't care to understand something, why just post out of ignorance? Seems like a silly thing to do.

I think you could say they were ignorant, if they made ignorant claims. It is not rocket science here. That's why I steer clear of commenting on high-end economics. I am a dunce when it comes to that, and would only put ignorant comments forth.

And no, I just came here for the money :)
Because I know Jesus Christ and who he is.

Who is he? The son of god? A god himself, sent by himself to inform us of a sin we knew not.

Mary Magdalene's passages were removed from the bible. She witnessed your "gods" death. You don't know as much about Jesus as you think.
If you don't care to understand something, why just post out of ignorance? Seems like a silly thing to do.

I think you could say they were ignorant, if they made ignorant claims. It is not rocket science here. That's why I steer clear of commenting on high-end economics. I am a dunce when it comes to that, and would only put ignorant comments forth.

And no, I just came here for the money :)

No, a silly thing to do would be to entertain someone promoting 'The Church of Satan,' regardless of what they're saying.

But clearly, you're an edgy guy.
No, a silly thing to do would be to entertain someone promoting 'The Church of Satan,' regardless of what they're saying.

But clearly, you're an edgy guy.

You don't see how silly it is to make comments based on falsehoods? Ok then.

I don't believe in that, but I don't make incorrect statements about it either. Not edgy, just like to be factual with my statements.
Correct. It's less corruptible than other religions and is more natural. For example Christianity says one thing, but is easily corrupted and the actions are opposite of goodness in many ways. It's human nature.

Priests can't be with women. That is unnatural. Because the son of god was not with a woman? So men choose to copy this nonsense? Men are not gods.

Then it's more or less exactly what the power elite of this world is subscribing to.

Seems like such a belief would favor people that already has power, since it would be in their "Satanic" interest to keep new subscribers to the religion from reaching any significant amount of power since it would be in direct competition with their power.

So.. No thanks. I believe there is a better way.
That's the thing, Man. No one cares to understand the Church of Satan. If this is something worth even discussing aside from how humiliating it is that People actually involve themselves in this shit, then you might have a point.

If I was in here peddling an obscure, ancient Norse Mythology and everyone laughed at me, I couldn't turn it back on them and say the were just ignorant.

And you're from Seattle to boot? C'mon, Son.

Right, at least Thor, Odin, etc represent positive archetypes, or virtues worth aspiring to.

Satan is literally a figure meant to represent sin and evil. Assuming you are an atheist, i suppose you could get into it for the trolling. Which would be fair game.

But if you actually believe in it, that's something else.
Who is he? The son of god? A god himself, sent by himself to inform us of a sin we knew not.

Mary Magdalene's passages were removed from the bible. She witnessed your "gods" death. You don't know as much about Jesus as you think.

John 1King James Version (KJV)

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
There's nothing wrong with Satanism. It embraces humanity as it is in many regards and strives for impeccability in areas.
Then it's more or less exactly what the power elite of this world is subscribing to.

Seems like such a belief would favor people that already has power, since it would be in their "Satanic" interest to keep new subscribers to the religion from reaching any significant amount of power since it would be in direct competition with their power.

So.. No thanks. I believe there is a better way.

Work hard and you will be rewarded. This applies to all aspects of life.
I'm only on the top of the second page of this thread and it doesn't fail to surprise me that Christians that speak out against Satanists actually don't realize that Satanists don't worship Satan.
Then it's more or less exactly what the power elite of this world is subscribing to.

Seems like such a belief would favor people that already has power, since it would be in their "Satanic" interest to keep new subscribers to the religion from reaching any significant amount of power since it would be in direct competition with their power.

So.. No thanks. I believe there is a better way.

Yeah the guys that have more than enough money to end world hunger yet choose not to for some unknown reason. The guys that corrupt every fabric of our government for their own benefit. They seem like swell guys you should want to mold yourself after.
I'm only on the top of the second page of this thread and it doesn't fail to surprise me that Christians that speak out against Satanists actually don't realize that Satanists don't worship Satan.

Not only are christians doing it either, but a great many others too.