"SKYNET" A.I. Drone Program May Have Killed Thousands of Innocent Pakistanis

My ass they are, who killed who. In no court of law would your reasoning stand. Even aiding and abetting is a stretch unless there's proof they were in on the planning and or carrying out the attack.

15 out of 19 where Saudi yet Taliban is guilty lol. Seems you invaded the wrong country bud. Did they have a extradition treaty in place? why should they legally hand any one over. As you said you invaded, you were actually the aggressor. Them siding with any one willing to kill muricans would be a given.

You are long past due to get of the BushCheney koolaid.
Seems your logic is not working here because the Taleban controlled around 95% of Afghanistan prior to the allies invading and it was there in Afghanistan and the tribal areas of Pakistan that Bin Laden and AQ were based. So invading Afghanistan to depose the Taleban was invading the right country. Now Saudi should have gotten invaded too, and we had troops there already but that is another story.

No the US was not the aggressor since we invaded as retaliation for 9-11 which was committed by Al Qaeda who was under Taleban protection in Afghanistan and FATA. How on earth you can paint the US as the aggressor defies belief and exposes your blatant bias.

And don't tall like you know anything about by opinion on Bush/Cheney since you onbviously know nothing about my stance on Cheney and Af-Pak.
AQ was an ally and under the protection of the Taliban. What you are implying would be like saying the Nazis didn't run the death camps because they were just a political party; it was the SS that ran the death camps and the Nazis had nothing to do with it.
The Taliban could very plausibly take over Pakistan if left unchecked - they already have big effect on politics in the country.
I voted against Bush and opposed the invasion of Iraq but I supported the liberation of Afghanistan. We really didn't have a choice. These people were using it as a base to launch attacks against us. The minute we leave the Taliban alone they will be orchestrating attacks against us all over the world.

i literately laughed out loud, Yet taliban controls more area now then ever. Only thing you liberated is pent up angst of a war mongering mob and gov of muricana.

Taliban will orchestray attacks on Murica world wide. okai...... Question for anyone not him, is he serious trolling or ... special ?

I'm out.
Seems your logic is not working here because the Taleban controlled around 95% of Afghanistan prior to the allies invading and it was there in Afghanistan and the tribal areas of Pakistan that Bin Laden and AQ were based. So invading Afghanistan to depose the Taleban was invading the right country. Now Saudi should have gotten invaded too, and we had troops there already but that is another story.

No the US was not the aggressor since we invaded as retaliation for 9-11 which was committed by Al Qaeda who was under Taleban protection in Afghanistan and FATA. How on earth you can paint the US as the aggressor defies belief and exposes your blatant bias.

Stating you invaded paints you as the aggressor. And go far back enough between Osama and Murica and Murica is the one that fucked over the other first, since that its been tit for tat of escalating attacks what culminated with the supposed offing of osama.

And its not 2001, we know who orchestrated the attack and who funded it. You bombed the wrong nation and you know it as you said Saudis should have been bombed if you actually wanted to retaliate against the people legitimately behind it.

Fundamentally its murica that created osama the terrorist and trained and fucking radicalized him, shit you should have bombed Langley if you really wanted to retaliate.
They aren't exactly hiding their intent to implement a skynet type system

Check out the logo on this government program..


Could it get any more in your face?


The thing is most of this stuff is out in the media. Just no one cares. The whole snowden thing was basically a fiasco considering almost everything he revealed was already known, just no one cared. Hipsters got behind snowden and called him a hero. I'm a pretty liberal guy, and consider him a traitorous son of a b*tch. The nsa spying on America was public news since 2002 and no one cared. Some hipster looking guy pops up and outs deep cover agents before even trying to go to the top... Come on. The newspapers that he wrote to which were liberal rags wouldn't even disclose most of his crap because it was going to get people killed. That should tell you something.
This is an entertainment website, but I tend not to have that 3-letter adjective on my mind when I'm reading about innocent Pakistanis getting blown up because a highly complex equation encountered unexpected randomness in trying to resolve its algorithm.

Yes, you should leave this thread.
You also don't know enough to judge if those people were indeed "innocent" or even killed by a drone in the fist place. You're literally getting worked up over propaganda that may or may not be true.
First, yes, they actually named a military program with killer flying robots "SKYNET". They actually fucking did that.

Second, I'm too goddamned depressed right now to say much more in this OP. My country continues to fail me again, and again, and again, and again. I'm still seething from the UN hospital. Still bring that at up at dinner tables. This is not what we are supposed to be, what I want us to be. We are supposed to be a beacon of freedom in the dark; the angels of liberty who would pursue the men who defile this world and oppress the weak, so that all the world would know, that no matter how small you are, or how weak, or scared; shivering, cold, and alone...that the Americans will come for you. That there is someone out there who will not abandon you. That you are a human being and you deserve more than these endlessly repeated failures of our species.

I have no desire to be the hero for the groaning masses, Mick, and I suspect most people share my lack of desire. It's weird that this is your conception of who "we" are as a nation.
I have no desire to be the hero for the groaning masses, Mick, and I suspect most people share my lack of desire. It's weird that this is your conception of who "we" are as a nation.
It did strike me as kinda weird that he, a guy to my knowledge that hasn't gone anywhere to help anyone would hold a country full of people like him to such a crazy standard.

The thing is most of this stuff is out in the media. Just no one cares. The whole snowden thing was basically a fiasco considering almost everything he revealed was already known, just no one cared. Hipsters got behind snowden and called him a hero. I'm a pretty liberal guy, and consider him a traitorous son of a b*tch. The nsa spying on America was public news since 2002 and no one cared. Some hipster looking guy pops up and outs deep cover agents before even trying to go to the top... Come on. The newspapers that he wrote to which were liberal rags wouldn't even disclose most of his crap because it was going to get people killed. That should tell you something.

Yeah I'm with you. Snowden popularized the concept of the spying apparatus and control systems but it was a program that had been going on for a long time and people were aware of it (especially foreign governments) already just not on a populous level. There is a control psychology around being watched, which alters peoples behaviors and makes authority more powerful. I suspect his popularization has something to do with that. If he was an actual threat they wouldn't make movies about him and turn him into a celeb.
The image of yourselves as, "a beacon of freedom in the dark; the angels of liberty who would pursue the men who defile this world and oppress the weak, so that all the world would know, that no matter how small you are, or how weak, or scared; shivering, cold, and alone...that the Americans will come for you" is part of the reason that you're in other countries, doing the things you're so ashamed you do.

Personally, I prefer practical Americans whose focus is on their own streets and homes, rather than where next they can apply their military might.
Stating you invaded paints you as the aggressor. And go far back enough between Osama and Murica and Murica is the one that fucked over the other first, since that its been tit for tat of escalating attacks what culminated with the supposed offing of osama.

And its not 2001, we know who orchestrated the attack and who funded it. You bombed the wrong nation and you know it as you said Saudis should have been bombed if you actually wanted to retaliate against the people legitimately behind it.

Fundamentally its murica that created osama the terrorist and trained and fucking radicalized him, shit you should have bombed Langley if you really wanted to retaliate.
And the Taliban is actually larger now than even before we invaded in 01. Some good that did...
And the Taliban is actually larger now than even before we invaded in 01. Some good that did...

I don't see any evidence for this. Before - they controlled an entire country, printed money, could travel and organize as they wish, could prosecute anyone who disagreed with them, could stockpile arms, could train openly, could allow recruits to immigrate to the country, could rape and persecute women, could stone anyone who disagree with them. Now, they are on the run in a part of Pakistan with the army after them and constantly worried about getting hit from the sky.
This world is so fucked up.

I really think that a lot of Americans don't really appreciate what a horrific empire they are a part of. They've been lied to for so long about freedom and democracy and how they're the greatest nation on earth, they can't truly appreciate the horrors their government has perpetrated in their name.

It's so easy to let these figures and statistics become abstracted and ignored, or justified as a part of "war", when the reality is often so much harder to stomach.

The US government, and the corporations who essentially call the shots, operate a massive military industrial complex and manufacture the conditions for war, all ultimately in the name of profit and power. I believe the quagmire in Iraq was exactly what they wanted. I believe dead civilians and their radicalised family members, is exactly what they wanted. More enemies means more fear, means more war, means more money. It's fuckin disgusting.

They aren't the first, they won't be the last, but don't get it confused, they are an evil, aggressive empire.
I don't see any evidence for this. Before - they controlled an entire country, printed money, could travel and organize as they wish, could prosecute anyone who disagreed with them, could stockpile arms, could train openly, could allow recruits to immigrate to the country, could rape and persecute women, could stone anyone who disagree with them. Now, they are on the run in a part of Pakistan with the army after them and constantly worried about getting hit from the sky.
There's this thing called Google. You should check it out.
Really! Thanks for the heads up. That's where I'll send anyone who asks me for data supporting my position. I had never really heard of it before.
You're welcome. ;) Things aren't exactly hunky dory there like you seem to believe.

The Taliban was estimated at 45k in 01. They're now estimated at 60k. #TheMoreYouKnow
I'm all for killing terrorist, wherever and whenever but the drone program is ridiculous. Uses some "indicators" that are only then authenticated via the drone.

No outside source confirmation, no troops on the ground, not really an Intel driven operation.

Yes it kills some terrorists but it also is rife with errors and killing non combatants on the regular.

It's rather disturbing to watch the arm chair crowd blast people via computer with those facts in play.

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