SED 276: No politics, no whining, just entertainment of the sporting variety (and butts)

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the guy with the hit n run on a pregnant lady is the face
I really don't know what I want to happen. Neither are particularly likeable but I do enjoy how DC calls Jones out on everything he's done instead of trying to be respectful.
41 vs 36......

Good God, the UFC HW division is terrible.
50/50 booking kept him from being great
He's had flashes but never seems to keep the momentum going to ever have that solid run on top that he needs.
You know Lesnar is just laughing at these guys.
Frank Murrr being wobbly....that's when he's most dangerous.
At least Hunt is Samoan, what's Mir's excuse? Hadn't watched him fight in a while and defenitley didn't remember him being so s-a-w-f-t.
Annnnd, that's that.

Pay attention fighters. Just walk away, and the ref will call it off.
The walkoff convinced the ref. Mir was still in it
Mir shouldve went all Randy Couture and fencehugged Mark Hunt and do the sloppy takedown.

That changing levels shit only works if you actually have speed.
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