PWD 292: You Know NXT Jumped The Shark When Eric Young Joins

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Great match! AJ was perfect for Reigns to look good.
Good match, but Reigns is unbeatable man. He can't be pinned. He is the new Cena.
Neckbeards will be crying tonight
fun ending to the match
Would have been cooler to hit him mid air, but I'll take it.
Huge waste of Gallows/Andersen. Very nice, WWE.

Good match. AJ was perfect. Reigns was very good.
That was horrible. I'm about to have a smark bitchfit. No better way to put it. Roman kicked out of EVERYTHING and one spear ends the match. Horrible horrible booking

Maybe just a knee jerk reaction. I was actually hoping more was gonna happen here with the whole Bullet Club thing.
good finish to the match but it was too damn long in my opinion. and roman seemed to be dragging his feet. way too slow-paced from him.
I guess they turn now for him losing? All of this was pointless, it was a regular Roman match, kick out of 5 finishers, spear, win.
Testament to both of them that we all knew what would happen and they still put it together to be a very entertaining, damn good match
Right guy won. Crowd popped for his win, then booed....disengenous
That was horrible. I'm about to have a smark bitchfit. No better way to put it. Roman kicked out of EVERYTHING and one spear ends the match. Horrible horrible booking

i guess all those superman punches don't count

Balor Club for FUCK's sake

I will do any goddamn thing for this
Match was great but to make this all about the brothers was trash imo.
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