2016 MLB discussion V.2: Crowning King Harper

Sara you mad?

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E-Rod will take Owens' spot next week and then yea probably Kelly takes Buchholz's spot. I dont have much faith in Kelly either but when Buchholz starts off this way, he NEVER rights the ship.
Kelly is getting the strikeouts so maybe CV behind the plate helps him out. Hell, it worked for Porcello.
Kelly is getting the strikeouts so maybe CV behind the plate helps him out. Hell, it worked for Porcello.

With CV coming off Tommy John they have him starting 3 out of every 5(Price, Porcello, Buchholz) and Hanigan getting the other 2 starts(Wright and Kelly/Owens). I dunno if Kelly has really even worked with Vazquez but he probably should. If Buchholz has a few good starts then Kelly wont even get the opportunity and might finally get BP looks.
Sanchez with a quality outing. Looked shaky at first, but he settled in nicely.
Anyone know what happened to Loiseau? surprised he isnt in here gloating about the Cubs and Arrieta, that +93 run differential is stupid.
Only thing that pisses me off about Mike Goat is that he went from a possible 40/40 guy to a probably not even 15 steals a year guy, that's ghey, I like guys that hit bombs and steal bases.
Sanchez with a quality outing. Looked shaky at first, but he settled in nicely.

He's a horse you want to bet on. That guy is going to be great.

Hopefully him and Stro can live up to expectations. Would make a nice one-two punch on the mound for years to come. Then there's Osuna who is turning into a lights out closer.

This year, we gotsta get rid of Dickey before the All-Star break. He's a scab picker.
Damn, Archer stormtrooper bobblehead night falls on my 25th bday weekend, guess I'll be getting shit faced at the Rays game that day.
Sanchez with a quality outing. Looked shaky at first, but he settled in nicely.

Whiel I get the Thor for Dickey trade is what it is, seeing Sanchez calms my nerves.

5 years out it will be great to compare Stro, Sanchez, and Thor. .

oh, and holy shit Tulo looks horrible.
except Tulo cannot catch up to average fast balls.

He can catch up to them. He just can't hit them. He's getting fooled a lot.

I think he'll eventually come around though. He's too good not to. Either way, he's at least still playing like an all-star on the field.
lol Jays should have just kept Reyes. At least he would have been gone after 2017, gonna have to pay Tulo through 2020.
He's a horse you want to bet on. That guy is going to be great.

Hopefully him and Stro can live up to expectations. Would make a nice one-two punch on the mound for years to come. Then there's Osuna who is turning into a lights out closer.

This year, we gotsta get rid of Dickey before the All-Star break. He's a scab picker.

And replace him with Gavin Floyd, Jesse Chavez or Hutchison? I'll take Dickey's mediorce 200 innings.
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