What issues have you changed your mind on due to the War Room?

There have been several topics and positions I've altered my view on or have been wrong about.

1) It's amazing how prevalent bigotry and animosity towards homosexuals still exists. I thought a lot of this was confined to the south and other colorful states. how wrong I was

2) the prevalence of SJW's and self hating white liberals (not all liberals) exist in mass numbers. I find this rather intriguing, I could never imagine hating myself and/or feeling guilty for my origins, and adopting positions and championing causes that directly work against my own self interests.

3) I also thought Creationism and other archaic thoughts/beliefs were limited to southern states and Christian Taliban ruled areas. I was wrong about that too.

4) regarding Islam, I'm still on the fence...more and more islam is becoming difficult to defend.

5) I never really believed this, but I have completely disposed of the notion that "all cultures are equal and worth respecting." That's a load of shit. Some cultures and values are clearly superior to others.
used to think most liberals were just sort of like hippies who just wanted everyone to get along and let by-gones be by-gones. found out that they are the least tolerant of other opinions and the most violent towards people who don't share those opinion.

thought repulicans were the more racist of the major political alignments. turns out they are just more open about it. liberals are more racist but they try to dress it up like they are there to help other races

going to parrot Logical insanity. i never realised how much self hatred and guilt white liberals had for soemthing they never did. it's really pathetic.

and his #5 is on point as well. but would like to add that i never rally knew exactly HOW far some SJWs would go to deny the fact that not all cultures and values are the same. it's frightening though.

edit: also i didn't realise how many of someones own values they would ignore just to defend the political party they are aligned to. watching liberals defend EVERYTHING hilary clinton has ever done is crazy. you can admit someone has done something wrong in their life without saying they shouldn't be president. but that doesn't seem to be the case with hilary supporters

also thought conservatives were the ones who would be in favour of censorship and the liberals would be more into freedom of speech...that was clearly wrong.
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I think before I was dead set against clinton. I used to think she was the epitome of corruption and the definition of a bought politician. I no longer despise her.
Nope, still want my taxes lowered and less given to the poor. I may be a bit more open to wealth transfer to the middle class at the expense of redistributing existing tax dollars - not increasing them.
That's a good one. I can't say anything in the War Room has caused me to flip-flop yet. I'm open to changing my mind, the problem is everyone that disagrees with me is wrong.

I will say that between the SJWs and rip, I'm more open to becoming a Christian these days.
I'm in favor of stronger military involvement in the middle east, ironically because the stupid involvement of our past is partially responsible for the conditions of today. It took a while to come around on that because I despise the US history of intervention. A lot of that was informed by reading posts here that put the post-Arab spring situation into better perspective. It's still a choice between two evils of course.
I've learned that republicans actuslly believe the lies that come from the right wing.

Trickle down economics works, climate change is fake, social security doesn't work. I didn't think people actually believed thst but this website is proof
Nope, still want my taxes lowered and less given to the poor.

I've learned that republicans actuslly believe the lies that come from the right wing.

Trickle down economics works, climate change is fake, social security doesn't work. I didn't think people actually believed thst but this website is proof
Along these lines I've realized that they are also suffering from severe feelings of entitlement, they tend to like activist judges, and are becoming terribly politically correct. Maybe these things were always true, but it's really blatant lately. It's weird that they seem to have gone from criticizing to projecting.
My opinion on issues haven't changed. My opinion on other people who claim to be "conservative" has.

Prior to the WR, I never understood why some people seemed so mindlessly against the GOP and conservatives. The WR has made me quite aware of the subset of angry, misogynistic, borderline racist, psychopaths who use "conservatism" as a cover for their own prejudices. I really wish they would get their own label and leave conservative to the people who really do want smaller government and care about government reform more than they care about some random social issue, latest college protest or Twitter/Instagram beefs. People who realize that YouTube and comedians are not real sources of intellectual depth.
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rip made compelling arguments about flat Earth and nephilim, I'm on the fence about the latter. Giant demons altering our DNA to include neanderthal DNA seems very plausible, just need more cave paintings and elongated skulls for evidence.

Most people that engage in discussions here do not come here believing they would change their opinion on an issue. And most people also won't - if anything, engaging in discussion here forces you to sharpen your stance or to refine your argumentation.

But I am gonna ask anyway: Did you change your mind on a political issue thanks to engaging in or witnessing a discussion on here?

For me, the most pronounced change is my stance on abortion. I was clearly pro-choice, but I guess this was more due to disposition (I am pretty liberal on most issues) than due to actually having looked into all aspects of the topic. Now I still would technically b3 considered pro-choice, but only with a lot of restrictions and also because I believe the negative consequences of a ban (like illegal back-alley abortions, more unwanted kids, etc.) would be bad.

Now I don't want this to turn into an abortion discussion. I mean it probably will, but I'l try:

What issues, if any, have you changed or adjusted your opinion on due to the War Room?

Everything. I was once a Conservative, I was once a free marketer, I was once a liberal.

I can't think of one opinion I held in 2008, that I hold today, accept maybe that Illegal Immigration destroys wages.

If your opinions don't evolve, then you stopped learning.
The only thing that changed for me was how many *MORE* ignorant and crying people there are who seem to spend all day online thinking they know everything about the world..

How can anyone know if they are ONLINE 24/7...not getting any REAL LIFE experiences..

Out of curiosity, what real life experiences have you had that made you have a greater understanding of the roll banking plays in our economy, how supply and demand shape our labor market, or the effect FIAT money means to our debt as compared to the gold standard?
Everything. I was once a Conservative, I was once a free marketer, I was once a liberal.

I can't think of one opinion I held in 2008, that I hold today, accept maybe that Illegal Immigration destroys wages.

If your opinions don't evolve, then you stopped learning.

Which way do you think you'll evolve next? Maybe get better at IDing bullshit from hucksters like Ratigan or Trump and generally scapegoaters?
Probably guns for me.

Back in the day anti-gun and thought the US position was stupid; but have come to appreciate that the amount of guns would not reduce unless there were substantial controls enacted and backed by both sides of politics over decades.

And that simply won't happen. Coupled to the fact that it is tied to the constituion, and a right held dearly by so many American's means that it is now interwoven with your identity and society.

And all the Walking Dead series tells me maybe you have it correct. Here in Australia we will just have to throw the zombies into a SharkNado or Spider-Hurricane.
I really wish they would get their own label and leave conservative to the people who really do want smaller government and care about government reform more than they care about some random social issue, latest college protest or Twitter/Instagram beefs. People who realize that YouTube and comedians are not real sources of intellectual depth.
Quoting this for posterity