Overwatch Official Discussion Thread.

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"It's high noo-yulckkkk"


Wasn't planning on getting the game, then saw some friends had it and yeah, grabbed it and continue to kick ass with Junkrat. A bit better with the archer guy on PC than I was on PS4 too.
I have won a few games as mei and gotten no damn credit in the mvp vote. Respect my placement bitches.
if you guys already knew, awesome, if not a helpful tip

Winston is a big counter to Reinhardt. Weapon goes through his shield

Also if they have a symmetra, take winston, easy kills on her sentries
I actually like Tracer vs Reinhardt. I zip right past his shield, and shoot him in the back. Easy peasy.
You want options? U feckin casuI

I want only one move to master because I'm a hardcore gamer. Divekick is the most hardcore game ever. Everyone else sucks at it but I'm the best so fucking rip]

Seriously though - PMSL Bob - post of the year.

Hey, now, dive kick is the shit! It distills the core basics of a fighting game, space control, movement, mind games... into a razor sharp focus.

Hmm... it's possible that your post was entirely sarcastic...
Totally kidding in that post, yeah. Is Divekick srsly that good?
The main problem with fighters is the high barrier of entry. Even after you have mastered your characters move set and combos you still haven't actually gotten to play the real game. Dive kick gets right to the heart of how a fighter plays without a steep learning curve.

This brings up another thought.

Both overwatch and street fighter 5 are arguably the best in gameplay in their respective genres. SFV is a huge hit among the FGC. It's the first game to ever break 3K entrants at evo, which hit that a few weeks into open registration, and it could hit over 4k by July.

Both games have virtually no single player content at all. Yet SFV sold poorly, and got slammed by critics. Overwatch is a smash hit and is getting rave reviews from everyone.

So what's the difference? Why the hypocrisy?
One thing they need to change is how play of the game works. It seems to be based on number of consecutive kills, and I've seen some exceptional plays that while they didn't result in a high kill count, never got recognition. Shame.

They do try to show more than just massacres. Sometimes you'll see it say "shutdown" and it'll be a single kill on someone trying to land an ult. I had a Torbjorn POTG where the only kill was my turret shooting a Pharah out of the sky while she was ulting. And in classic Torbjorn fashion, she wasn't even on the screen. I just heard the "death from above!" behind me and walked into a building for cover lol.

I had my dream POTG on Mei yesterday. The entire attacking team was at that last choke point on King's Row with 15 or so seconds left and I put up my wall behind them and threw down my ult on the payload. Froze their entire team and started spamming icicles at their heads. They stay frozen for so long.
The main problem with fighters is the high barrier of entry. Even after you have mastered your characters move set and combos you still haven't actually gotten to play the real game. Dive kick gets right to the heart of how a fighter plays without a steep learning curve.

This brings up another thought.

Both overwatch and street fighter 5 are arguably the best in gameplay in their respective genres. SFV is a huge hit among the FGC. It's the first game to ever break 3K entrants at evo, which hit that a few weeks into open registration, and it could hit over 4k by July.

Both games have virtually no single player content at all. Yet SFV sold poorly, and got slammed by critics. Overwatch is a smash hit and is getting rave reviews from everyone.

So what's the difference? Why the hypocrisy?

I have and enjoy both, but I think Capcom screwed up by claiming it would have a bunch of things that it didn't have at launch. Overwatch delivered what it said it would at launch, aside from ranked matches. Supposedly a single player Overwatch mode is in the works but Blizzard never said it would be a certainty at launch, just a possibility.

But SFV shipped with a lot of blank boxes on the title screen.
I would love a 6 player horde mode or dungeons to run. Sure a single player campaign or a story mode for every single character would be nice, but those have zero replayability.
I can't even tell if you're serious or not. You basically want to change the core mechanics of the game completely.

For the only balance within the game is that certain characters counter certain characters. In class based PvP games a time centering needs to occur with class abilities. With WoW's Arena this is done around the CD timer of the PvP Trinket (2 minutes). If you were a frost spec'd mage in the MoP expansion you had a 'i win' combo every 25 seconds. Given class defensives and PvP trinket usage the player would always die within 75 seconds of the game. This caused Blizzard to nerf the frost mage.

In Overwatch the overall game can last roughly 10 minutes with abilities on 5-15 seconds CD's and Ultimates on virtually 30 second CD. 20 Ultimates used and potentially 80 second class character abilities used within that ten minutes per player. Add in all the twelve players on the server. This potentially becomes 120 Ultimates and 960 character abilities that the observer and viewer need to register. Thats clear over saturation.
For the only balance within the game is that certain characters counter certain characters. In class based PvP games a time centering needs to occur with class abilities. With WoW's Arena this is done around the CD timer of the PvP Trinket (2 minutes). If you were a frost spec'd mage in the MoP expansion you had a 'i win' combo every 25 seconds. Given class defensives and PvP trinket usage the player would always die within 75 seconds of the game. This caused Blizzard to nerf the frost mage.

In Overwatch the overall game can last roughly 10 minutes with abilities on 5-15 seconds CD's and Ultimates on virtually 30 second CD. 20 Ultimates used and potentially 80 second class character abilities used within that ten minutes per player. Add in all the twelve players on the server. This potentially becomes 120 Ultimates and 960 character abilities that the observer and viewer need to register. Thats clear over saturation.

I definitely see what you're saying but the game is purposely built around face paced frantic gameplay and so the heroes reflect that. If they changed the way the cd's worked it just wouldn't feel right. I haven't really played TF2 in a long time but is that not part of the mechanics of hero shooters like TF2 and Overwatch?
I had my dream POTG on Mei yesterday. The entire attacking team was at that last choke point on King's Row with 15 or so seconds left and I put up my wall behind them and threw down my ult on the payload. Froze their entire team and started spamming icicles at their heads. They stay frozen for so long.

I've had a lot of great battles at that last choke point and have often pushed back the attacking team for the win there.

I've really been enjoying playing as Lucio lately. He's effective as a healer, of course, but it's fun to be aggressive with him as well and use his speed to do small flanks to pester the enemy team and knock them back when useful (especially if you can knock them off a ledge, lol).

I still love Zarya, but she's only useful on certain maps, it seems (or I'm just not playing wisely with her at those other times). I have a lot of success with Soldier 76; his combo of speed, healing, and mid-long range damage make him a beast. And playing with Torbs is great too. I really like his shotgun blast and his ability to collect scrap and make shields for his team. Makes him quite multi-dimensional. I'm also enjoying the strategy behind turret placement.
45 seconds of waiting for picks and I'm kicked for afk. fuck you blizzard.
It would only be clear oversaturation if everyone agreed.
Abilities are
For the only balance within the game is that certain characters counter certain characters. In class based PvP games a time centering needs to occur with class abilities. With WoW's Arena this is done around the CD timer of the PvP Trinket (2 minutes). If you were a frost spec'd mage in the MoP expansion you had a 'i win' combo every 25 seconds. Given class defensives and PvP trinket usage the player would always die within 75 seconds of the game. This caused Blizzard to nerf the frost mage.

In Overwatch the overall game can last roughly 10 minutes with abilities on 5-15 seconds CD's and Ultimates on virtually 30 second CD. 20 Ultimates used and potentially 80 second class character abilities used within that ten minutes per player. Add in all the twelve players on the server. This potentially becomes 120 Ultimates and 960 character abilities that the observer and viewer need to register. Thats clear over saturation.
I don't think you can just throw in the simple arithmetic and use that as evidence of oversaturation. Some abilities are massive game changers and some abilities are very weak but on a character with a strong base kit.
And they are a core part of the game, this isn't a hardcore run and gun game where gunskill is the end all, it is a game based around using fun abilities at critical times
They do try to show more than just massacres. Sometimes you'll see it say "shutdown" and it'll be a single kill on someone trying to land an ult. I had a Torbjorn POTG where the only kill was my turret shooting a Pharah out of the sky while she was ulting. And in classic Torbjorn fashion, she wasn't even on the screen. I just heard the "death from above!" behind me and walked into a building for cover lol.
Yeah, I've seen some shit PotG, but most are well deserved, and I don't think they are all based on consecutive kills.

I've noticed that most PotG happen around the capping of objectives, or stopping a team from capping an objective. It's not just who you kill, or how many you do at a time, but when you do it.
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I would like to thank echohead in joining my ppl as we put in some good work.
For the only balance within the game is that certain characters counter certain characters. In class based PvP games a time centering needs to occur with class abilities. With WoW's Arena this is done around the CD timer of the PvP Trinket (2 minutes). If you were a frost spec'd mage in the MoP expansion you had a 'i win' combo every 25 seconds. Given class defensives and PvP trinket usage the player would always die within 75 seconds of the game. This caused Blizzard to nerf the frost mage.

In Overwatch the overall game can last roughly 10 minutes with abilities on 5-15 seconds CD's and Ultimates on virtually 30 second CD. 20 Ultimates used and potentially 80 second class character abilities used within that ten minutes per player. Add in all the twelve players on the server. This potentially becomes 120 Ultimates and 960 character abilities that the observer and viewer need to register. Thats clear over saturation.

You could potentially be absolutely right if anything you said ever actually happened.

People arent spamming their abilities off every CD. They utilize them when they feel it benefits the situation. Im not going to to instantly fire off McCrees ult just because it pops, that's a recipe for disaster. It requires being set up in a proper position at a beneficial time. This is true of pretty much every ult and every ability. Something like Tracers blink probably sees use almost constantly, where as a flashbang, healing circle, shield, etc are all used in a specific circumstance. I dunno why you're trying so hard to criticize a game. Your points are almost nonsensical in regards to how the game is ever played. You might as well criticize an RTS game with a zoom because you can place the camera where you can't see any of the enemy units.
They do try to show more than just massacres. Sometimes you'll see it say "shutdown" and it'll be a single kill on someone trying to land an ult. I had a Torbjorn POTG where the only kill was my turret shooting a Pharah out of the sky while she was ulting. And in classic Torbjorn fashion, she wasn't even on the screen. I just heard the "death from above!" behind me and walked into a building for cover lol.

I had my dream POTG on Mei yesterday. The entire attacking team was at that last choke point on King's Row with 15 or so seconds left and I put up my wall behind them and threw down my ult on the payload. Froze their entire team and started spamming icicles at their heads. They stay frozen for so long.

I had a potg as Mercy earlier and didn't fire a single shot. Revived then healed and damage buffed Reinhardt while he clubs a bunch of people.

Also got my best potg today as Lucio (been playing him a lot recently).
Techodwarf is cheese mode. Dig it
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