International BREXIT: Leave/Remain Referendum on June 23 Will Change Europe, No Matter the Outcome.

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You lost. Suck it up, buttercup.
I won, Scotland will soon be independent of the UK..... what about my previous statements were unclear? Scotland came through tonight, England fell into our trap
what belief system do you follow? they are all as batshit crazy as each other, finger pointing at one is just retarded
What's retarded is your failure to distinguish the level of violence and oppression between cultures and religion. Islamic societies, even the relatively moderate ones, are in general much more oppressive and intolerant than Western cultures. Saying Christianity today is just as bad as modern Salafist Islamic ideology because of a past practices that mostly ended by 19th Century is intellectually dishonest. Wrongdoings of the past does not reflect on the realities of today.

I'm an atheist, if you must know.

most people? you mean you and another couple of racists that got annoyed I called you on your bullshit doublespeak? I am shocked..... shocked I tells ya
It appears you haven't learn your lesson, nor are you going to. Demonizing people do not win you friends or support, and that's what happened tonight. The side I support lost in the Brexit vote, but I don't act like a total brat screaming racist every two sentences about people on the Leave camp. I'm not afraid of competition from the other side, but I am afraid of idiotic teammates.
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Yeah, pretty much everyone in this thread called you on it. I'm sure it's only because they're racists.

most people? you mean you and another couple of racists that got annoyed I called you on your bullshit doublespeak? I am shocked..... shocked I tells ya
most people? you mean you and another couple of racists that got annoyed I called you on your bullshit doublespeak? I am shocked..... shocked I tells ya

only thing shocking is your racism and hypocrisy of whining that's racist to anything your clearly racist ass does not agree with.
only thing shocking is your racism and hypocrisy of whining that's racist to anything your clearly racist ass does not agree with.
yeah Im the one thats being racist in here, sure.... keep telling yourself that
I won, Scotland will soon be independent of the UK..... what about my previous statements were unclear? Scotland came through tonight, England fell into our trap

Nobody even usually remembers that Scotland exists, which, I concede, makes them good at setting these kinds of traps.
>says Americans are bigoted
>makes a bigoted statement by stereotyping 320 million people and calling them bigoted

Lol moron.

I meant only the one's celebrating,we know why they're doing it.
I'm the exact opposite,I don't judge an entire population for actions or views of a minority.
I'm not judging the leave voters as racists(not one bit),so that should tell you.We know why you Americans,who would be celebrating,are doing it.
Nice try though.
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