Overwatch Official Discussion Thread.

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Zarya is so fucking good. Might be my favorite hero now.

I have 1000 coins and now it's the difficult choice of choosing which costume I want. I know it's going to take like 15+ hours before i get 1000 again unless i get lucky lol. At level 68 (somewhere around there) it takes forever to level up.
Go into your character profile and see which character you've payed the most and buy their costume.
Go into your character profile and see which character you've payed the most and buy their costume.

I already have costumes I like for Pharah/Winston who are my most played. The next up are Mercy/Reaper and now Zarya. I think nowadays I almost always end up going Mercy or Zarya because I find they are the most helpful to the team, but when I do use Reaper I usually do very well. Reaper's costumes look the coolest but I probably play him the least now compared to Mercy/Zarya. Reinhardt has pretty badass Legendary costumes too and I use him sometimes. Wish you can trade in costumes for monies. I have some legendaries for characters I barely ever use
Hate to say this but at 33 hours in I'm already bored, and the first big update hasn't even arrived. I even gave it a 4 day break and came back and was just meh, just feels like the same thing all the time now. Some maps I even hate with a passion cause they're so boring like Dorado, and don't get me started on playing Defense which at times seems too easy.
Finally got a 1000 coin skin after like 30 level drought of getting just pure garbage. I got scuba gear Winston... not bad.

What I really want though is either of the hockey player Lucio since he's my favorite character.

In terms of skins the only cool ones I have are Anubia Pharah, Mystery Man Cowboy man name escapes me right now.

Zarya has some pretty wack skins imo snow lady and bondage/punk theme... no thanks!, wish Blizzard would get on top of releasing more unlockables. Seeing alot of the same skins.
I'm upto about 150 hours played now and I'm still loving the game tbh.
I'm late to the party, only 3 hours in and having fun with it. Ive only tried 6-7 of the heroes, so far I'm liking Bastion and Mcree the most. There's something really satisfying about getting the W in this game, compared to a lot of other objective based shooters.
Finally got a 1000 coin skin after like 30 level drought of getting just pure garbage. I got scuba gear Winston... not bad.

What I really want though is either of the hockey player Lucio since he's my favorite character.

In terms of skins the only cool ones I have are Anubia Pharah, Mystery Man Cowboy man name escapes me right now.

Zarya has some pretty wack skins imo snow lady and bondage/punk theme... no thanks!, wish Blizzard would get on top of releasing more unlockables. Seeing alot of the same skins.

I just bought that shitty ass Zarya polar bear skin lmao. I was going to get that, Mercy Valkyrie or the white Mariachi version of Reaper. I went with the Zarya skin because I started to play her a lot and I don't see too many of that costume running around
Caught this trending. So two pro gamers accused this 17-year-old Korean chick of cheating. They vowed if they were wrong to quit Overwatch (this means that at least they will have to abandon their official pro handles). So they set up a controlled Demo where this girl played on a team against them.

She must just be lucky.
Caught this trending. So two pro gamers accused this 17-year-old Korean chick of cheating. They vowed if they were wrong to quit Overwatch (this means that at least they will have to abandon their official pro handles). So they set up a controlled Demo where this girl played on a team against them.

She must just be lucky.

Did they quit?
Caught this trending. So two pro gamers accused this 17-year-old Korean chick of cheating. They vowed if they were wrong to quit Overwatch (this means that at least they will have to abandon their official pro handles). So they set up a controlled Demo where this girl played on a team against them.

She must just be lucky.

Not only that she was threatened to be stabbed and sexually assaulted if she was found to be cheating. She has over 6.0 KDR and 80% winrate, shes a beast.
Fooking hate Ilios. Can't seem to ever get a streak going on that level. Favs are Gilbralta and the Aladdin market. Actually Parahs level has some great spots for builders.
Caught this trending. So two pro gamers accused this 17-year-old Korean chick of cheating. They vowed if they were wrong to quit Overwatch (this means that at least they will have to abandon their official pro handles). So they set up a controlled Demo where this girl played on a team against them.

She must just be lucky.

Should have done a sig bet instead of an account bet
Zarya has probably the hardest aimmechanic
Hate to say this but at 33 hours in I'm already bored, and the first big update hasn't even arrived. I even gave it a 4 day break and came back and was just meh, just feels like the same thing all the time now. Some maps I even hate with a passion cause they're so boring like Dorado, and don't get me started on playing Defense which at times seems too easy.
The game is meh. Called it from the beginning (although I played beta). Waiting on competitive, still playing here and there but comp needs to get here already. Gunna test it out on the PTR
Caught this trending. So two pro gamers accused this 17-year-old Korean chick of cheating. They vowed if they were wrong to quit Overwatch (this means that at least they will have to abandon their official pro handles). So they set up a controlled Demo where this girl played on a team against them.

She must just be lucky.

Holy crap, it's crazy how fast some people can play. She's like a damn fly out there.
Overwatch is amazing btw for anyone interested. The variety of characters, guns and abilities is insane and extremely thoughtful.
I honestly can't remember the last time a FPS felt this fun for me.

10/10 easily for me.
The game is meh. Called it from the beginning (although I played beta). Waiting on competitive, still playing here and there but comp needs to get here already. Gunna test it out on the PTR

Congratulations on calling from the beginning about a game you wouldn't like. +10 achievement points. There's plenty of games I know I wouldn't like, don't feel the need to brag about not liking a game I knew I wouldn't like.

I think Symmetra is probably the most underrated character in the game at the moment. If you can build up the power on your beam you can run through a team of squishies in no time.
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Congratulations on calling from the beginning about a game you wouldn't like. +10 achievement points. There's plenty of games I know I wouldn't like, don't feel the need to brag about not liking a game I knew I wouldn't like.

I think Symmetra is probably the most underrated character in the game at the moment. If you can build up the power on your beam you can run through a team of squishies in no time.
Thank you!! I'm glad for my +10 achievement points! I will be looking for more chieves to show off to my friends.

I agree with this man.

I major in Tracer, and minor in Lúcio and Bastion.

"You should switch to ____" can GTFO. I play who I like to play, and am subsequently good at.
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