Crime 12 Police Officers shot, 5 fatally, by snipers during BLM protest in downtown Dallas (Part 1)

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The BLM protest wasn't against police officers. The police actually helped organize this protest and were taking pictures with the protesters.

That's the shame of it. One of the most fundamental American rights, the right to peacefully protest, and the right to criticize the government, was being correctly supported by the police themselves, and peacefully exercised by the citizens. And then some epic piece/pieces of human trash ruins everybody's hard work by inflicting a terrible tragedy.
Rest in peace Alton & Philando.
That's the shame of it. One of the most fundamental American rights, the right to peacefully protest, and the right to criticize the government, was being correctly supported by the police themselves, and peacefully exercised by the citizens. And then some epic piece/pieces of human trash ruins everybody's hard work by inflicting a terrible tragedy.
Well said bruv. All truth.
The 13% of blacks in the US are responsible for almost 50% of all homicides and violent crime. If they weren't there the US literally would get rid of about half of the entire country's crime overnight. Yet they expect us to feel sorry for them when one of their career thugs get shot while resisting arrest? What a farce. They're the ones that are a threat to society.
If certain black law enforcement officers started killing a disproportionate amount of white citizens while being stupid enough to let it be filmed and distributed all over social media. It would hardly be a shock if certain white citizens targeted black police officers.

The context of this situation is important. You're trying to apply the same logic to other situations of your choosing. You see this situation as black vs white, obviously. Like in most situations, it's not as black and white as that.

Dingus, the analogy I made does not involve a white citizen targeting a black officer. It dealt with a white citizen attacking black people. And, as a matter of fact, black people do commit a disproportionate amount of crime and commit more interracial murders and interracial rapes. Certainly anti-black attacks are foreseeable, perhaps even understandable, considering the plight of black criminality.
Conservatives be like

"Why does BLM support criminals!? We need another MLK!"

I'm socially conservative, in many ways.
I wonder the same, and wish we could see another admirable leader like MLK. He wasn't perfect, but he was a champ.
So I mostly agree with you. I'd only like to point out that the media narrative is that this is a racial issue, and they've been pounding that drum for years now and it's heightened race tensions in this country. Which obviously isn't a good thing as witnessed by the events in Dallas last night.

Believe it or not, more white people are killed by cops each year than black people in the USA (or mexican, asian, other etc) No, not proportionately to their respective populations, but more sheer people. And not all of those are just shootings, in fact I've known of 3 in the last 5 years locally... where a white person was killed by police while unarmed in fairly questionable circumstances... caused families to be outraged, even slight local community outrage, but that was it.

No CNN front page, no month long coverage and investigation and media pundits sounding off. Nothing, no story whatsoever... at most just a blip in the local newspaper, some side piece article buried on pg 7.

This is a socioeconomic issue, this is a police training issue, this is a result of mounting distrust between law enforcement and the public and the insistence to protect gun culture in this country. Racism has it's place in this conversation but not in the way it's being mainlined in the media.

Yea, does anyone remember this one?

Obviously this was reported, otherwise I wouldn't have seen it. But I saw it on here, this forum. I didn't see this on the news in up here in Canada. Obama didn't comment on it, Beyonce didn't dedicate her half time show to bringing justice to his family. It wasn't a big media tentpole event like Ferguson, Freddie Gray or the shootings from earlier this week. How come?

It seems there is a problem with police brutality in the States, or perhaps more accurately there's a problem with police accountability. Before the rise of camera phones, these guys could get away with almost anything. The result of that is a lot of people getting killed and the cops getting off with a vacation, oops I mean suspension with pay. But the US is also a violent country with a lot of guns on the streets. A lot of cops have been killed over the years, and it happens in a split second. I think both of the 2 above factors are the main factors for cops in the States having itchy trigger fingers.

But the data doesn't support the idea that black people are being gunned down every day, or whatever BLM and the like say. There's nothing to indicate this is actually a racial issue, that cops want to "execute" black people. The thought is ridiculous anyway, that the cops want to kill someone for being black. What about when an asian cop shoots a black guy, what about when a black cops shoots a hispanic guy? Is it a race war? And yet the media has been pushing that angle for the better part of 2 years now, that white cops are going around murdering black men. Examples that can further their narrative are cherry picked and pushed as hard as they can, while those that don't like the one I posted are buried. It's all been leading up to something like what happened in Dallas last night, and I honestly don't think that it hasn't been by somebodies design.
I'm honestly not sure what it is, all I can say is, it reminds me of how racial tensions appeared in Bosnia and kept escalating without control. It feels very artificial to me.

I know the Soviets did a lot of propaganda on US during the civil rights movement, to undermine its international presence. It made me think they could be doing something similar again.

Soros & Co is an interesting theory. On surface, it would appear that any racial tension in a heavily armed country would be counterproductive to their vision. Unless the endgame of that vision is disarming that country.

Here is some of the Soviet Civil Rights stuff:





It is very artificial and 'injected' into society from above yes I see that also.

When I say international private network (international Oligarchy) that is not actually much different than what you are referring to with the soviets and their operations within the US. They were supported by the private 'capitalists' the entire time at the highest levels. They are now injecting Marxist ideology into society through the schools (and media) in the West.

It is part of a larger subversion strategy that has been ongoing and is supported by powerful people within the US.

As to Soros, he is just one of the more visible actors. He was linked to fomenting unrest in Ukraine and elsewhere. The 'fomenting of unrest' is done using various techniques that can and are used within Western countries also. They are universal principals.

It's a pretty large topic, but have you taken a look at the presentations done by KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov? He explains a lot of what is going on within the United States and this is all very much still ongoing. It didn't stop with the end of the cold war.

As to the civil rights movement, yeah I've seen some documentaries on this subject that goes into the rather nefarious international players working to coopt it for their own aims. That ties in with the above subversion.
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Conservatives be like

"Why does BLM support criminals!? We need another MLK!"


That's an asinine argument. What was MLK's crime and how does it compare to the crimes 'Overpressure' was referring to?
"Temporary insanity brought on by extreme emotional distress related to all the deaths of minority suspects at the hands of police"

Didn't the North Hollywood shooters modify their AKs to fire full auto and shit though? I'm under 30 so I don't remember much if anything of that event.

North Hollywood had full auto AK, an HK19 (high capacity clips for both) and a shotgun, armor piercing bullets, and head to toe Kevlar.
My thread saying the CIA did this explaining point by point just got deleted after existing less than 10 minutes lol.

And I got yellow carded.

I swear (which is what I said in your thread) it is the spurious testimony of the Islamic world that America - "The Great Satan" - is thorougly corrupt. The narrative supports the ideology of Shari'a. The Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, NOI and other Islamic groups have infiltrated colleges and all levels of government to undermine Democracy and the freedoms we have.

This is a more accurate rendering than what you said about the CIA making Dallas happen.

The Islamic world is the most 7th century brainwashed group with their opinion of America and The West generally.
I'm not shedding any tears over the guy dying and saving taxpayers money but local law enforcement using a vbied (or I guess rbied in this case) as lethal force IS kinda scary if you think about it.
A little bit, but justified.
A guy in a Texas tower shooting random people and being held at bay by other citizens with guns was kinda scary too. If they'd been able to drone him, I would have been alright with it.
Not much different in my view.
Why is it that if a white guy gets shot by police no one cares but if a black guy gets shot it calls for riots. Considering blacks commit like over 70% of crime, it's reasonable to expect that blacks will be shot by police more often.

Here's a couple quick stats for you.
In 2007 443,000+ crimes were committed against whites by black while 55,000+ crimes were committed against blacks by whites. So whose racist?

The problem here is police misconduct. It is an ongoing problem that is very old. It is the very problem completely overlooked and ignored by a good many people. Forget about when the police shoot a criminal, the problem is when a guy is handcuffed in the back of the squad car and suffers a gunshot wound to the chest. It makes people kinda mad.
Why do you think all mistrust and racial profiling filtered down to those two moments?

(although the one incident was over a tail light being out...which is kind of a bullshit reason to pull someone over, unless they are black)

Don't ya think it's just build of of bullshit like this?
36-year-old white guy here and in my 20 years of driving vie been pulled over for speeding x2 , expired stickers several times, no seat belt once , failure to signal once , breaking traction , im sure im leaving some stuff out.

There are for sure some instances of profiling that happen.....100% , but when you attribute literally every single instance to it , it becomes tiresome to the audience man.
My thread saying the CIA did this explaining point by point just got deleted after existing less than 10 minutes lol.

And I got yellow carded.

How is it that conspiracy theorists have the details sorted out within minutes of an event happening?
That's an asinine argument. What was MLK's crime and how does it compare to the crimes 'Overpressure' was referring to?

Protesting and "civil disorder".

Kinda like another group that is so detested....what was their name again?
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