Elections 2016 Democratic National Convention

Did she get booed or did they kick the Bernie people out?

Not many Bernie people. They took away their signs so they wore glow in the dark green shirts. They never panned to them though. Bernie looked like he was going to go dragonball z kamehameha on her though.
he was worried about the carbon footprint that his private jet would leave if he flew out

Did she get booed or did they kick the Bernie people out?

You remember the noise cancelling machines Clinton used to block any reporters from hearing her speech to financial elites in Colorado?

Well, they broke those out at the convention for Hilary's speech hanging from the back rafters, and made sure Hilary's supporters were let in first, and led up front.

Basically it was a big ol' dog and pony show.
Trump should make Bernie head of education or something. I like his ideas about free college. Either way I dont care, I already got my degree.
Trump should make Bernie head of education or something. I like his ideas about free college. Either way I dont care, I already got my degree.

I would give my left nut, for Stein and Johnson to team up, and make some kind of deal for economics where their are no tax hikes, move toward a progressive flat tax(Progressive tax system, with no loopholes), enforce anti-trust laws, ect.

I believe if they did that, they would be polling at about 18% right now. They could really win if they could negotiate a common platform they could both live with.
Hillary and Kaine both delivered underwhelming, uninspired speeches- much like Trump and Pence at the RNC.

Obama, his wife, and his VP outshined everyone at the DNC. If their dogs got on stage, they would've outdone the Clintons too.
Hillary speech in a nutshell: "America is already great!... Now let's change everything that makes it that way!"
I think Hillary made some good points as to why Trump is not fit to be president. Imo that's what she needs to focus on to win. People aren't gonna "fall" for her and become fans but she can convince people to vote for the lesser of two evils.
Hillary and Kaine both delivered underwhelming, uninspired speeches- much like Trump and Pence at the RNC.

Obama, his wife, and his VP outshined everyone at the DNC. If their dogs got on stage, they would've outdone the Clintons too.

Trump's speech was incredible. Easily the best thing to come out of these pathetic celebrity circle jerk conventions. The only thing the democratic convention did better was being sanctimonious.
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