Why do restaurant wait staff deserve such high pay?


Apr 12, 2016
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I know the tipping debate has been done before and it's a pretty stupid system but we won't go there. My question is why do people believe wait staff deserve so such a high wage? Wait staff can make 20+ dollars an hour for carrying food, that's more than many important "skilled jobs" in America. Every hard working person deserves a livable wage but I fail to see why restaurant wait staff deserve so much more than important skilled jobs.
Anyone that works with the general public deserves double the pay they're receiving atm.

People suck.
It’s worth noting a lot of waiters and waitresses don’t work 40 hours/week.

It’s also a shitty job.
I wouldn't wait tables for $20/hour unless people couldn't talk to me. Dealing with the public sucks.
Because good service should be rewarded.

And with sit down restaurants consumers have the option to reward good service - and so many choose to do so.

And $20 isn't high pay.

Plus people teh suck.
Because good service should be rewarded.

And with sit down restaurants consumers have the option to reward good service - and so many choose to do so.

And $20 isn't high pay.

Plus people teh suck.
For the work it is extremely high pay.
Being a waitress is one of the few entry level jobs left where a single mother can support her kids with or a young adult can have to help pay their way thru college.

I think it's great and we should keep this tradition of tipping.
Mr. Pink had it right. Tipping is bullshit. If anyone should be tipped in a restaurant it should be the chef.
They have to put up with salty-ass patrons with BO all day, get bossed around and ridiculed, that's why. Someone would have to pay me seven figures a year to work an 8 hour shift per day all year long.
And honestly, most people Ive encountered that don't tip are scumbags.

I'm serious.

Talking about in America of course.
Mr. Pink had it right. Tipping is bullshit. If anyone should be tipped in a restaurant it should be the chef.

They are.

They get a percentage of everyones tips.

If you had ever been on the other side of the table you would know this.
Good help is hard to find. + They really only rake it in when they are super busy.

Anyway, OP should spend some time talking to hot bartenders slewing drinks at a busy after-work happy hour.

Oh wait - they're too busy taking care of tipping customers (and as a odd, possibly connected, result - earn yet even more tip money).
I know the tipping debate has been done before and it's a pretty stupid system but we won't go there. My question is why do people believe wait staff deserve so such a high wage? Wait staff can make 20+ dollars an hour for carrying food, that's more than many important "skilled jobs" in America. Every hard working person deserves a livable wage but I fail to see why restaurant wait staff deserve so much more than important skilled jobs.

Why the fuck do you care?

You want to know why the wait staff at a 5 star restaurant is better than at Waffle House? Because better pay attracts better talent.

And if you've never worked a insane, crazy rush during a Friday night, then you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. It's a tough job and a talented server is a valuable asset for the restaurant and the customer. I saw many people flame out and quit because they were unable to perform and couldn't handle the stress. The pay is what keeps qualified people on staff and prevents from finding work elsewhere.

If you don't want to tip and believe servers are overpaid, then order your food take out and eat your shit home alone... loser
Why the fuck do you care?

You want to know why the wait staff at a 5 star restaurant is better than at Waffle House? Because better pay attracts better talent.

And if you've never worked a insane, crazy rush during a Friday night, then you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. It's a tough job and a talented server is a valuable asset for the restaurant and the customer. I saw many people flame out and quit because they were unable to perform and couldn't handle the stress. The pay is what keeps qualified people on staff and prevents from finding work elsewhere.

If you don't want to tip and believe servers are overpaid, then order your food take out and eat your shit home alone... loser
Bringing people food is a "talent"?

You sound like you serve people food for a living.
I know the tipping debate has been done before and it's a pretty stupid system but we won't go there. My question is why do people believe wait staff deserve so such a high wage? Wait staff can make 20+ dollars an hour for carrying food, that's more than many important "skilled jobs" in America. Every hard working person deserves a livable wage but I fail to see why restaurant wait staff deserve so much more than important skilled jobs.

Have you ever served food in a popular, high paced restaurant? It's not easy and highly stressful. Trying to balance the needs of 5/6/7/8+ tables, keeping drinks topped off, keeping track of orders/when food is coming out. Not everyone can do it.
I hope they're as content as possible with their compensation. I don't need a disgruntled waiter/waitress fucking with my food before it's served.
Bringing people food is a "talent"?

You sound like you serve people food for a living.

You sound like you couldn't run a concession stand at a youth football game. You're a fool if you think it's easy.

And yes, I did in College. It was a great job that got me through and kept me from racking up huge debt in Student Loans.

You sound bitter. Like you're jealous that your shitty job doesn't pay you more and you're envious that other more talented people who work harder make more money than you.

Anyone that works with the general public deserves double the pay they're receiving atm.

People suck.
This. Just imagine how all the sherdoggers who like to pretend they are multimillionaire investment bankers treat wait staff, or anyone whose job it is to tolerate them.
I know the tipping debate has been done before and it's a pretty stupid system but we won't go there. My question is why do people believe wait staff deserve so such a high wage? Wait staff can make 20+ dollars an hour for carrying food, that's more than many important "skilled jobs" in America. Every hard working person deserves a livable wage but I fail to see why restaurant wait staff deserve so much more than important skilled jobs.
people that think that being a server is just carrying food have never done the job. it is much more than that. for example, it is dealing with obnoxious assholes who think you dont deserve anything above minimum wage while treating you like an asshole, and doing it with a smile.

it's getting triple sat and having one of those tables having 3 kids who need chocolate milk in a styrofoam cup, and meanwhile the other tables wonder why you didnt get to them in 60 seconds while you are in the back looking for where they hid the chocolate fucking syrup.