Elections Hillary v. Trump Presidential Debate Three

Who won the third Presidential debate?

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Doing that to a 12 year old is her job?! Wtf kind of person are you
Uh, American? Right to legal representation is one of the things that make America great.
He's right on Iraq. The pull out was a disaster. If you're going to do something -- and we did -- see it through. Yeah yeah "status of forces" agreement, gimme a break guys. Could've wiped our asses with that and gotten the green light if the political will existed. It didn't though because Obama wanted his legacy to show that he got us out of Iraq. Great job, Obama.
lol nice try. It was Bush who set up the exit. Of course, he also lied us into the war in the 1st place.
"Lots of luck Hillary, you've done a great job!"

-Donald Trump

That's it folks.
Hillary is shilling for a war right now. Trump better hit her hard.
Dude, you are all ideology and no facts. Stimulus does work and it does shorten recessions and reduces the severity.

You also very uninformed. I'm going back to the debate this is not fruitful.

Ok run away. I'll educate you later. God damn, nevermind the cause. What the fuck do you think happens when firms lose profitability and need to restructure? The solution to help that transition to productive employment is actually to create some bullshit arbitrarily government created jobs to dig holes and fill them up again, huh? For a fucking CPA you're really ignorant.
Aw, muffin. Nobody giving Trumpy the respect his wise words deserve? Nobody bowing the the altar of the silver spooned pussy grabber? He pretty clearly doesn't understand anything he couldn't learn with a 5 second Google search and a tab opened to infowars and the Blaze.

I aint your muffin, bunny
She is trying to provoke a Gulf of Tonkin-esque incident with Russia.
Yes you have no faith in American institution and are just looking for a way to reject a result you don't like. You are not going to get your stupid revolution thank god. Know I am getting back to the debate.

Not sure if serious...

Uh, American? Right to legal representation is one of the things that make America great.

lol nice try. It was Bush who set up the exit. Of course, he also lied us into the war in the 1st place.
Its American to accuse a 12 year old of seducing her rapist? I think we have different opinions on whats American if thats the case
For fucks sakes Hillary is now getting criticized for doing her job as an attorney? You guys are unreal.
Don't act like you a fighter for women when something you did was the worst possible attack on a woman you could possibly make. Her job to defend her client or not, blaming the victim is always deplorable, especially when the victim is a child.
"Women and children"...like the women and children in Cologne?
What do the voters think about Hillary's fake smiles?

So creepy.
Voters think that complaining about how creepy you think a smile of someone you don't like is just makes you look like a partisan hack.