Milo Yiannopoulos gets $250k book deal. SJW's have meltdown.

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I'll explain it to you again, because you're struggling with something really simple. How it works is, PC language is a horrible and evil thing that is being shoved down our throats by corporations and liberals, until you get that book deal. Then it's the right thing to do, and those evil PC liberal standards become the thing that helps you sell your book. But like I said, he won't be holding onto much of that money- it's all going up his nose. Look at the way his skull is deforming already. Classic twisted cokehead look.
I thought only 14 year old metal fans used the term 'selling out' when more than 10 people started liking the band they think they discovered.
Naw. I'm a 40 year old metal fan and I still use it.
Just because he uses them for pleasure doesn't mean he thinks they're his equal.
What evidence is there that Milo is a white supremacist? White supremacists hate him for being as he put it "a :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:, race mixing :eek::eek::eek::eek:". (Mods sorry for language, but it's a quote.)

What about Gavin Mcinnes, Larry Elders, Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro? Any evidence that those notable alt-righties are racist/white supremacists?
You posted this before... In this thread.

lol you missed the point. (Not surprised)

I made those posts originally in two seperate threads because these dumb Alt-Reich drones posted this same non-story twice within 15mins of each other because you sperglords are just busy hitting F5 on Breitbart so you can copy paste the next headline here to give each other likes.
What evidence is there that Milo is a white supremacist? White supremacists hate him for being as he put it "a :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:, race mixing :eek::eek::eek::eek:".

What about Gavin Mcinnes, Larry Elders, Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro? Any evidence that those notable alt-righties are racist/white supremacists?

I don't really know if he is or isn't. Milo actually seems decent enough.

I'm just proving the point to you that you can fuck black guys and still be a white supremacist so your stance that just because he fucks blacks guys means he's not racist is not relevant.
I'll explain it to you again, because you're struggling with something really simple. How it works is, PC language is a horrible and evil thing that is being shoved down our throats by corporations and liberals, until you get that book deal. Then it's the right thing to do, and those evil PC liberal standards become the thing that helps you sell your book. But like I said, he won't be holding onto much of that money- it's all going up his nose. Look at the way his skull is deforming already. Classic twisted cokehead look.

lol you missed the point. (Not surprised)

I made those posts originally in two seperate threads because these dumb Alt-Reich drones posted this same non-story twice within 15mins of each other because you sperglords are just busy hitting F5 on Breitbart so you can copy paste the next headline here to give each other likes.
Sure you did... lol

I'm in no way an alt-right guy, nor do I read breibart. You are just a funny little worm.

Sperglord? Good lord lol
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LOL at the Twitter posts in the article in the OP. Some people calling for a mass book burning. The irony.
At least they will be burning someone other than their own neighborhoods for a change.
I'll explain it to you again, because you're struggling with something really simple. How it works is, PC language is a horrible and evil thing that is being shoved down our throats by corporations and liberals, until you get that book deal. Then it's the right thing to do, and those evil PC liberal standards become the thing that helps you sell your book. But like I said, he won't be holding onto much of that money- it's all going up his nose. Look at the way his skull is deforming already. Classic twisted cokehead look.
So utilizing political correctness to fight political correctness makes him a sell out? Using your enemy's technique against them is a smart move.

Fawlty, this argument of yours is childish, come on now.
You know, I haven't been browsing this board all that long, but it sure has been entertaining to see the same 3 knuckleheads post in anything remotely right-wing related and immediately start making non-existent connections to white supremacy and neo-nazis.

I know Trump was memed into presidency, but I don't think you're going to meme these things into being real. Especially with only 3 people dedicated to the cause.

But hey, keep it up, I don't think I'm alone here in saying I've been enjoying the laughs
Alt-Reich sounds like Queensryche so I take it as a compliment. Operation Mindcrime was the shit.

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