Recent fights/results/news from Thailand

What fights do you guys want to see in 2017? To me, these would be interesting
Muang Thai vs Pet U Thong
Muang Thai vs Sangmanee
Muang Thai vs Superlek
Saeksan vs Kongsak
Saeksan vs Thaksinlek
Sangmanee vs Yodlekpet
Genji Umeno against any of these.
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I thought about making a Kenshin tribute thread, but I'll just post his newest video here. I don't think he uses the words "elite" or "legend" nearly as much as he should. Also, who are these elite Thais that Damien Trainor consistently fought?

I clicked somewhere in the middle of the fight and watched for about 7 seconds. That was enough.

Are they celebrities?

probably. clicking the video I was like, wait a second they look way to good to be fighters.
Wow. Celebrities willing to mess up their pretty faces for our entertainment. Thailand dont mess around.
That red one was pretty cute.

Must be gorgeous with make up and a skirt.
Top king world series jan 14 marks the return of sangmanee to the international scene
I thought about making a Kenshin tribute thread, but I'll just post his newest video here. I don't think he uses the words "elite" or "legend" nearly as much as he should. Also, who are these elite Thais that Damien Trainor consistently fought?

My fight skills just catapulted another 10% after watching that LKB. Give credit where credit is due and consider that book ordered.