Doctor Phil is a Douchebag

It's a reality tv show where he confronts people about issues they aren't ready to confront. He's surprisingly effective at it, though I wouldn't like sensitive people to go on the show. He's a one man intervention, it's always going to be hard to hear but for those who hear it, it can be a bridge to getting their life in order.

They try and set up therapy for people after the show but I doubt it's much good. It's a big picture view of psychology, when it needs to be on a more personal level. He is very quick on his feet and able to meet people effectively. He may be a bit of a douchebag but he's got skills.

I don't see the problem with Lindsay Lohan's mum. She clearly needs to be told to wake up from her stupor. Why you'd pay more respect to Howard Stern's opinion is beyond me.
Guy's a dick. Only time I watched the show purposely was when that couple from Amy's Baking Company was on there. Only thing I like about him was the Supernatural episode named for him.
yeah but where does he stands on cats?
My neighbour watches his show every day. I know this because I can see her TV from my window, and it's on 24/7, ugh.
Be warned this will be stuck in your head for days:

"The ho's are laughin..."

Dr. LandPhil is full of garbage. Him and his ilk annoy me to no end, same goes for Dopera Windbag (Oprah). They peddler the weakest shit and the plebs eat it up.

Snake oil culture peddlers the lot of them.
Well said, totally agree
Anyone that talks in metaphors needs their head kicked in.
yeah but where does he stands on cats?
He has been brainwashing a secret army of cats for years in order to take over the world.
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I remember one time he asked me
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Yes I did, all over your bald head
dr phils show is entertaining

i occasionally watch episodes, i dont take anything he says as advice to live by, but its fun to watch the trainwrecks he brings on or watch him force delusional people to confront their problems (really what hes best at)
He's a P.O.S., but the public is to blame for creating the market for his exploitation.

If people would clean up their own backyards, they might not need to watch this man publicize other people's failures and flaws in order to feel better about themselves.
What's the matter? Is Shelley Duvall your mom or what?

You that much of a knuckle dragging choad, that you cant see why trotting out a mentally ill persons misfortune for everyone to gawk at for money rates poorly on the decency scale?
I honestly would like to beat the living shit out of that evil MFer.

People like him disgust me to the core. He preys on the weak and vulnerable for ratings, but has the audacity to mask it as assistance and help. He's despicable and so is everyone that actively contributes to the success of his show by working for the company or even watching it.

Fuck that dude and anyone that supports him.
Had no idea his show was still around until cachemeousside girl

she saved his career